My iPhone battery percentage doesn't show?

I have an iPhone 5c, my phone battery percentage just turned off all of a sulden. I tried going to settings to turn it on but that doesn't work, I also tried restarting my phone but that didn't work either. How do you turn it on?

How to start a marketing agency?

I'm 18, still in school, and I want to start a marketing/advertising/business image agency.

I've always been good at breaking things down and getting to the root, I'm good with my choice of words and I know how to 'work people'. I get asked by people (teachers, friends, family, family friends etc) on how to portray myself/my business better, how to word a certain document better or just general how to give others a better impression, (I do a lot of the marketing/advertising for my fathers iPhone repair business) I'm also told I've a talent or knack for understanding people as a whole or just an individual and knowing what they want or what they mean to say.

Here, in Ireland, there's a masters in marketing but no degree (you must do a business degree and specialise in marketing), I don't particularly want to wait that long, nor to I particularly want go to college unless it's 100% necessary.

I want to own my own business, I want my success to be determined by my efforts.
How does one go about starting such an agency?

Left iPhone 4s on charger all night?

I had my iPhone 4s on its charger last night, and I fell asleep before unplugging it. It had been at a hundred for a while I assume, and I'm afraid it'll mess up my battery.
Will it?

What can I access on a different IPhone that uses the same Apple ID?

So my mum is using my old iPhone 5, and I got a new iPhone.
My old iPhone is still using my Apple ID, as well as connected to iCloud, and has photo stream, and uses iTunes on my laptop.

I was wondering if I would access to any contacts, messages, photos or anything on that old iPhone without actually going on the iPhone? Because I don't know the passcode.

Or if there's anyway to get into the phone?

Is a scam site?

I was looking for a "Lifeproof fre iPhone 5 case" and this popped up:

I purchased it, however, when I looked at the page, I couldn't see any reviews.

I've seen many comments about it being a scam site, but none about this product.

I'm extremely paranoid, and I'm scared it's going to be fake.

I've also found out that it might NOT be American.

The link provided, I'm not sure if it's the one I bought, but it's the same item.

(I'm in the UK)

When I look at the page provided, it's $45, however, I bought mine for $35, which worries me.

I ordered this yesterday.

They emailed saying they would give me a tracking number when it is dispatched.

I just want someone's opinion ;-;

Thanks. Is a scam site

What do i do if i wet my iphone 6?

I have a huge problem with my iphone 6. I put it in a ziplock bag and I put it underwater and I thought it was gonna keep it from getting wet but when I opened the bag it was wet from the bottom and I dried it with a towel but then I was showing my friends a video I took and I put it on full volume but it said that I had my headphones in even though I didn't and then I put my headphones in and see if I could listen to it with my headphones and I could hear it but it would make static noises in the earbuds so I really need to know how to fix it.

How to transfer songs from iTunes to iphone?

My friend bought a bunch of songs that I really like and said I can use her iTunes to download them but it won't let me sync her music without deleting mine. Is there any way I can transfer the music from her computer to my phone without deleting my music?