What are good portable speakers options to buy?

I need to buy a good portable speaker, please tell me at least 2 pros and cons about each one.
Also make sure that
long battery usage
not too heavy and not too big
bluetooth preferably
iphone compatible

Do Not Disturb sign besides my contacts in text messages?

On my iPhone 5s ver8.3, there's a moon (the Do Not Disturb sign) besides some of my contacts in text messages, so I don't get notifications when I get texts from those people. I have no idea how they appeared and I want to get rid of the Do Not Disturb signs, but how o;

I failed my math test. What should I do?

Read updates below:

Added (1). My teacher upgraded our grades online today, and I saw that I got a 72% C- on a 50-point math test. My overall grade is now an 88.8% B+. I want to get straight A's this quarter, and I still have an upcoming final this Wednesday. I really hope to do well on that and raise my grade up.

Added (2). How should I tell my mom? She recently got me an iPhone 6 Plus and said that she would take it away if I got bad grades. I really want to keep my phone and am scared to tell her. She'll most likely find out about it later, because there's an app where she checks my grades everyday on.

In all seriousness, should I consider upgrading from my Nexus 5 to one of this year's iPhones?

I have never had an iPhone before. However, I do have an Apple ID I used with an iPad Air. I got the Nexus 5 mainly for the timely updates. IPhones do not really have the problem of waiting months to be updates to the latest iOS either. I would need to get this year's Nexus phone to receive Android updates without delays. My Nexus 5 is currently running Android version 5.1.1 and should at least get Androiddm when it is released this fall. My upgrade date is early next year. IOS does have the Google apps that I use, but I would be giving up some freedom and customization if I make the switch from Android.