Can't connect my old clash of clans account to my iphone?

't connect my old clash of clans account to my iphone?

Added (1). It was first on an android then I linked it to my ipad. Now I have an iPhone but it won't connect. Is there any way that I can link to another apple product from my android, because its aids it can only be done once

Added (2). *saids

My iphone is frozen on the startup screen?

My iPhone 5s is frozen on the start up screen with the apple. It's been like this for about a half hour now. How do I fix this? I looked up and it said to hold the home and power buttons for 15 seconds but will this delete the stuff on the phone? I haven't backed up the phone in a while so I don't want to lose anything.

How to remove a broken aux cord from my iPhone 5c headphone hole?

I had an old aux cord that just snapped in my headphone hole for my iPhone 5c. I've tryed numerous methods to remove it and feel like the phone needs to be taken apart. There's no room to grab it to take it out. I've tried tweezers and superglue with a string. Still no luck. I really need to get this out because I can't listen to any audio whatsoever except Bluetooth and I have to make calls on speaker. What's the easiest way to just pop this thing out?

Control iPhone with computer, when connected?

My iPhone 4S has broken, i can't see the screen and the touchscreen doesn't work, there's no passcode on the phone, and it is jailbroken. Is there a way to control the phone when i connect to it via USB cable?

IPhone won't receive messages?

I just got a new iPhone 5s, my old one broke 4 days ago and I could not access it for those 4 days. Today I received my new phone and used a back up from May 20th. None of my texts from those 4 days of inactive use have come through.(and I know there has been texts sent to my phone for those 4 days) is there any way to receive those texts?

Is there a professional grade camera that doesn't flip the image?

I know this sounds odd but you know how the iPhone is infamous for flipping the image from what you see when you take a picture with the front facing camera? And on Snapchat when you take a picture or a video, the camera acts more like a mirror when taking a picture or filming so the outcome is exactly what you saw when you took the picture. Well, is there a professional grade camera (i.e. Canon T3i) that doesn't flip the image/acts like the Snapchat camera when it's taken or when a videos taken? Or maybe is there a camera out there that gives you the option of keeping the image normal or acting more like a mirror? I feel like this is a dumb question but I just had to ask.

Iphone 5s (or watever iphone you have) Do you guys leave auto brightness on or off?

I realize that when I'm at home, my battery life is quite long compared to when I'm outside. Obviously when I'm outside there's more sunlight, hence making the phone reach full brightness. So I decided to turn auto brightness off and set it miyself. (usually halfway down.)

Just wanted to know do you guys turn auto brightness off? And does it affect your battery life? F

What morph is my ball python? Is he a normal?

This is a ball that I rescued from a reptile shelter, adopted for only about $40. We've had him for a couple years now and I've never thought much about his morph, but now I'm thinking that he doesn't look like a normal at all. I don't know much about morphs past leucistics and bumblebees and spiders and very basic morphs, so I'm asking all morph experts out there, is my snake just a normal or do you think he's something else? If so, what is he?

The first two photos were taken today during his soak after a poor shed (the first he's had in a long time). In the first one, you can see the top of his body and in the second, you can see his stomach a bit more. He's a teeny bit darker because he's wet but the pictures are about right for the most part. I also have a third photo from about a year ago. The coloring is really off because it was very sunny outside and my iPhone camera didn't handle that very well, but I posted it so that you could see his head markings better.


Added (1). Also, just a note--he is a very dark snake, basically as dark as in the 1st and 2nd pictures, if the lighting threw anyone off. He has QUITE a bit of black on him as well as very dark brown. Another note-- our vet thought he might be part cinnamon.

All my music has disapeared of my iphone 5c?

So basically, I have purchased a couple of songs of itunes over the past months. I also have whole albums which i put onto itunes then put onto my phone. But the other day, I went to my music app and i only had the music i've purchased through i tunes. All my other stuff vanished. I tried to put it back onto my phone via itunes on my pc bt it won't work?