How to edit a shark into my picture?

This probably sounds so dumb but I really just want to put a shark in this picture because I think it will be funny and look cool for Instagram okay? Haha. Anyways, I'm terrible at editing photos and I've tried all of these apps to edit in objects and it's just not working out for me. I don't know anything about photoshop or any other editing software. I want to be able to do this with my iPhone 5 rather than my MacBook because my MacBook is quite old and hard to work with. So if anyone can offer help, recommend a good app, or just edit it for me? Make it look cool? Make it look like I'm being eaten by a shark? That would be awesome. I included the picture with this question. Anything helps! How to edit a shark into my picture

Can you legally be suspended for a text prank?

Hi, i'm sure you all know about the effective power prank that shuts off an iPhone if sent. My question is if you send it to someone can you LEGALLY be suspended for it? In my old school my friend did it to another kid in which he began to cry. Not sure what happened to the first kid.

Power Effective not allowing me to view my texts?

After getting sent the power effective thing, I can't view my text messages. Whenever I open the messaging app on my iPhone, the screen is white and exsits me out. I don't want to use Siri or the share option to text my friends, so what do I do?

How to acces messages affter iphone text bug?

So you probably know about he iphone text bug, that turns off your iphone a disables access to messages. I sent that text to a friend but my phone got turned off and now I can't acces messages because of my own text. Is there anything I can do, or only wait for the new iOS update?