Does making iphone apps look good on for colleges?

I like to create iphone apps in my free time
I know that this is a highly marketable skill

I was just wondering how it would look to colleges like Stanford that i had the ability to make apps while in high school

Would it increase my chances of admission
My gpa is nowhere close to that caliber(3.3)
But my sat is somewhat close(2170)

My question is will stanford accept me into their computer science mAjor since i already have a marketable skill
Will they overlook the mediocre gpa

I dropped my Iphone, it broke. Now I need it replaced. What do I do?

Dropped it earlier this month and broke some of the screen. Was going to replace it but didn't. Of course I dropped it again and now it seems I broke some sort of hardware piece in the phone.

I have Verizon as a provider and the phone is an Iphone 5c.

Can I just buy any old Iphone online and then activate it through my Verizon plan? I've never had this happen to me.

My iMessages won't deliver to one person?

I have a iPod touch fifth generation and have been using it for iMessage for about a year now and up until last night I didn't have a problem with it sending messages. I was discussing something with this person and then I suddenly didn't get a reply from them. This morning I went to text them again but my the message would not deliver, it would simply zip through the sending process and give a red exclamation point and it said not delivered. I kept retrying and resetting my iPod but it would not work. I really want to get in touch with that person so what could I do? Is it something with their iphone or my iPod? All of my other messages are delivering fine and that is the only contact I can't get in touch with. Thanks My iMessages won t deliver to one person

How to downgrade IOS 8 from my iphone?

I don't have much space on my iphone with a measly 5.4 gb and the latest update is taking up almost all of it. How can I downgrade the software to an earlier version that won't hog all my space? Thanks.

And yes, I've tried to delete many things to accommodate this update, but it is not enough I'm at the bare bones and I still can't hold that many photos/videos which is why I got the phone in the first place.

Fake live kik pics on iphone?

I don't always have time/want to take a live pic for someone so it would be really helpful if I knew someone who would do it w/o me having to send nudes or some ****. Also I'm not jail breaking my phone so my only option I think is to find someone that'll do it for me.

Will i get charged using cellular data/3G?

I was on my iphone and i didn't realize the cellular data and 3G tab was on since i had Wi-Fi on so i didn't see the 3G sign on the upper left side of the screen but rather i just saw the Wi-Fi logo as usual

also just an additional question, only if you want to answer, what is cellular data anyways? As well as 3G, 4G, and LTE? I don't seem to know how it differs from one another

thank you.

Added (1). i only realized this when i turned off the Wi-Fi, but then i just saw the E sign on the upper left instead of 3G

Why can't my iPhone 5s take pics?

This has been going on for a few months now, I haven't even bothered to take it to Apple yet, and please don't ask why, but does any one know why this would happen, because none of my cameras work, not even my snapchat camera or my Instagram camera, every time I open up a camera in one of my apps it just shows black, and it also won't let me take videos either but how ever it will lets me FaceTime, but I just think it's really weird