IPhone 5 carrier name from T-Mobile to Metro PCS?

I have activated an iphone 5 with Metro PCS, I had previously been using an iPhone 4 here as well…
I noticed that when inserting the SIM card, my carrier name would say T-Mobile, but then switch to saying Metro Pcs.
With the iPhone 4 it would always stay as
Why does this happen? Does this change anything? Can I make it stay as T-Mobile?

How to stop text messages from going to my old phone? Android, NOT iphone?

I go through straight talk and i bought a new phone a while back. Well some peoples text messages still go to my old phone only and oddly even tho i bought a new phone, my old one still completely has service and mobile data like my new phone every time i add a service card. Now I'm not bitchin about having 2 working phones. What i'm irritated about is that i didn't intend for that to be the case and i want All of my texts to come to my NEW phone. How can i stop this? I called straight talk and they gave me directions and they failed. Maybe somebody knows. I also factory reset my old phone and it didn't help. I've tried airplane mode, taking the battery out and all of the above. Any suggestions?

I ran out of money on my prepaid visa giftcard, but payments still keep going through?

Okay so I got this prepaid visa gift card that I've been using online lately, on my Xbox, and also on my iPhone. But payments still keep going through and when I go online to check the balance it's at.41, but I can still buy things. I'm hesitant to keep buying things seeing as my uncle bought it and I don't know where they are taking the money from. Thoughts?

Iphone5 won't charge to my computer

I have a iPhone 5. Its fully updated. I also have a HP pavilion laptop. Its fully updated (with iTunes too) I have charged my iPhone on three other computer. My computer won't charge my iPhone. It won't even recognize that its plugged in. Any ideas? Tips? Answers? All I want to do is charge my phone… 3

My iphone 6 doesn't conect to the Wi-Fi anymore?

It was connecting normaly before but today it disconnected suddenly, I tried to restart the home Wi-Fi, restarted my iphone, I tried to reset the network settings as well, I changed my DNS but nothing seems to work.
My ipad and my mom s iphone 6 plus works perfectly, why only my iphone is having this problem?

Why won't my iPhone 5 download Facebook?

I kept trying to update facebook but it wasn't working so I tried deleting it and now when I try to reinstall it nothing happens the blue proggress bar fills up fully but just stays like that and there's no app icon. Anyone know a fix?