Can a girl explain this to me?

So i met a girl, we started talking, i enjoyed talking to her so i asked her if she wants to play an iphone game with me, after a few weeks we started texting a lot, i just wanted to talk not trying to be her boyfriend or anything.
so one night we stayed up late texting and she said she was bored so i suggested we play kill kiss marry, she agreed so we started playing, after sometime i told her i was tired, she said okay last one, then she said, my mother, a guy's name and her name to choose from, i was kinda shocked she put her name but i answered, that i would ofc kiss my mom (on the cheek), marry her and kill the guy.
so that got me thinking, does she like me and want to know if i like her back, so i said i don't wanna hurt her so i'll just try to stay away from her for a while, after 3 weeks she texted me and told me she watched my favorite anime show, at this point i thaught, this girl hates these kinda of show, did she go thro with this just to find something to talk about, so after the talk i kinda texted her without spirit if you know what i mean…
after 2 weeks i talked to her to see if everything was cool between us (of cours i didn't tell her what i'm explaining here, i just texted her normally) and i felt she doesn't wanna talk to me, and i text her i feels she's ignoring me, i don't know if its only me, but i keep getting that vibe specially with those short forward texts.
so i need a girl to explain and tell me if she actually liked me and if she did really get hurt or offended

Could this be strep throat? Or just irritation?

Had a sore throat started yesterday, this morning I took Advil around 1:30pm its now 5pm and it seemed tomake the soreness go away. I have also looked at the back of my throat with my iPhone flash light (several times, lol because i tend to be a hypochondriac and have anxiety over these things) it seems to look a little irritated but not red like strep looks. No swollen tonsils, no fever also no cold symptoms such as runny nose stuffy head ect. Just a minor head ache. I also haven't been in contact with anyone with strep. If it was strep wouldn't i be in a lot more pain have a fever, white spots, ect? I never had strep before so i don't know. Also i won't be able to call my doctor until Monday or Tuesday.

Did I get a Trojan horse on my iPhone 5c?

I was on google images and one of the images said it's source website was: (yes, with a "u"). I looked in my history and it said I had visited that website through google images, but when I went and checked again it said it was gone from my history.

I never directly clicked on the image to go to it's website, but did click on it through google images. Is it possible I got a virus?

Dark shadow on part of iPhone screen?

I dropped my iPhone and now the right half of the screen looks like it's covered in a shadow. It's subtle and I can still see everything but there's clearly a dark patch. I turned it off and on again and the shadow is still there. It has a thin case and a screen protector that's supposed to be impact resistant, and I've dropped it many times before without any problems. Is this permanent damage? Is there any way I can fix it?

How long to rice my iPhone 5s?

I have an Iphone 5s and I dropped it in the bath tub. Everything still worked except my speaker. I sucked most the water out but it still wasn't working. How long should I rice my phone?