Is the iPhone XR good as they say?
Is the iPhone XR good as they say?
Is the iPhone XR good as they say?
Which is better iPhone XR or iPhone 11?
I went to accounts on my iPhone and I noticed an account added that I didn't add. Noone else has had my phone. How was the account added?
Is there any way to display my iPhone on my CRT TV set?
I ordered new AirPods on Walmart because I broke my old ones and it said they would be delivered in two days. I live on a college campus so mail gets delivered to the school and then divided up to each area desk. So I saw on my account that it got delivered but I still never got a notification from my area desk that I had received any mail. After a week I emailed walmart saying that I never got it and that my package got lost on my campus somewhere. So Walmart offered to refund me and I did yes and then a couple days later I actually received my package and now I don't know what to do. I really had no intention of doing anything illegal and don't want to get in trouble with the law.
Can I make calls from India using an iPhone w/ carrier TFW (Tracfone Wireless)?
I'm trying to erase my history i'm my iPhone 8 APP purchases but i barely know what i'm doing.
Some of the APPS i clicked into 1 area of my phone i thought did that but when i went to account settings the trace of the APP i was trying to erase the history of was still there though.
So how do i completely erase APP purchase history (even for free APPS) on iPhone 8?
Added (1). I thought it would be as simple as messing around with various setting and toying with stuff on it until i eventually figured it out. I mean i really want to do this myself and save the time of calling someone if i can.
Does anyone know why my iPhone 8 is not well how can i put this… Not erasing what i need it to.
Did i do something wrong with it somehow or try to erase the APP history i want gone incorrectly?
Any idea?
Added (2). Also is this something i can even fix myself?
If so please tell me as much as you can (my message to whoever else answers this post).
Or is this an issue only tech support can fix due to the nature of the issue?
My iPhone X is only a week old. When I woke up this morning, it said that it had failed to install an auto-update of the software. When I tried clicking on various apps, the phone would freeze and quit out of the apps. I tried shutting it down to restart it, but when I tried to turn it back on again, the white apple logo on the black screen would not go away and it has been stuck in the process of "restarting" for hours.
I talked to Apple Support but they were not very helpful, and I had to download the software updates onto the phone using the computer but that did not do anything. My phone is still showing the apple logo. Occasionally it will turn to the black screen for a few seconds but will go back to the apple logo. Please let me know what to do!
This person I know told me that his iphone is disabled for a while and can't ring me back. I've tried ringing him now and it's only rang twice and then went to voicemail. I'm just wondering how many times the phone rings when disabled?
Ok I have an iPhone 5c and the reason why I got it cause I don't have enough money for the other phones. So anyway I want to download mario kart tour but it keep saying "this app isn't compatible with this device". I really want to play it but it wouldn't let me download. Is there anything way I can make it work?