What color iphones do most girls have?
What color iphones do most girls have?
What color iphones do most girls have?
Is the IPhone SE still worth getting?
So as you may know, the iPhone7 and onward, have the lightning cable, which has a different mouth to it as well. I'm looking for something (a cord/adapter) in which I can use my iPhone ear buds and plug it into my laptop (which uses headphone jack outlet/mouth).
Please give me your recommendations!
Has anyone who has the iPhone messed up their thumb joint?
My iphone 5 finally quit on me and i'm searching for a used iphone of a later model. My carrier is at&t and i'm thinking of getting some version of a 6 or maybe even a 7. What requirements are needed for a used iPhone in order for me to simply transfer my sim card? If its even that simple, that is.
Will President Trumps presidential library just house an IPhone full of tweets and a couple copies of the national enquirer?
This may be a dumb question but I don't know much about this stuff so I'm wondering. I want to buy bluetooth headphones and ones that I found say for iphone 6, 6s,7, but no 8. I have an iphone 8. So can I still use these headphones for my phones?
Just laying my finger on the home button will cause it to register multiple (sometimes 10 within a fraction of a second) clicks. Is there a fix for this or am I going to be forced to go to Apple to repair this?
I use beats ep headphones with my phone, and lately they've started acting up whenever I try to listen to music or any audio on my phone. Whenever I try to listen to music, it will pause and play on its own, skip tracks, and scan through songs on its own. I'd really like to know a way i can fix his, because it's extremely annoying.
Is it a problem with the headphones themelves, or just the adapter i'm using with my phone? Should i get them looked at by a professional, or can it easily be fixed myself?
I just lost my i phone 6 i was wondering if there's a way that i can reset it from itunes without having the phone on me. Is there?