How can I tell it someone has BLOCKED my number (iPhone 5)?

I got an iPhone 5 ios11 and i don't know if someone in a Samsung phone has blocked my number

1 - I rang them and it went 10 "beeps beeps" before going to answerphone when I thought it just goes to 1

2 - I can still see their WhatsApp profile pic, status and last active and I thought it automatically blocks WhatsApp too but I may be wrong

How can I know for sure?

Apple Watch Question?

If I Delete Message Off My Apple Watch First Will It Automically Delete Off My Actual IPhone?

Can someone else see your text conversations (iPhones)?

We have a family plan - there are three cellphones. My dad is the primary holder of the account. We're wondering if he can see our text messages from other people. I believe we all have different Apple ID's but he has said things that are in our conversations which we find strange.

I noticed on my iPhone, under the iCloud setting, I'm logged in with my email. At the top it says "No family information available at this time." I don't know if I should sign out of that?

Can someone else see your text messages?