Was this worthy of suspension?

So I'm in tenth grade.
I got suspended for one day on Friday, and the one day is tomorrow.
My parents grounded me and I still can't figure what I did wrong?
So I have a really close friend and her name is Safiya.
I love Safiya, but she admittedly has huge teeth. They are very white and straight, they're just very big.
I still think she's beautiful but a lot of people make fun of her for it behind her back.
I think that's mean cuz she can't control that.
Like all the time when I tell people about her they'll say "Oh the girl with the teeth" and I tell them " You seriously couldn't have found any other way to identify her?"
But basically, I hate when people make fun of her teeth.
So there's another girl in our grade who we both don't like. Her name is Maria, in short we just don't like her.
Maria is in my fifth period, and on Friday we were looking at skulls since it's a science class.
We were looking at a pic of a T Rex skull.
She said "Wow that looks like the skull of Safiya."
Everyone immediately knew who she was talking about and they all started laughing. My face got red, and out of anger I screamed at her
"Shut up Maria! Your body is shaped like a damn IPhone!"
We both got sent to the principals office, and I got suspended cause Maria cried over it. I don't know what she got but I hope she got suspended too.
I tried saying that Safiya would have cried too if she heard what Maria said, but I still got suspended which I still don't get.
What did I do wrong?

Will turning off iCloud Backup after backing up iPhone delete data?

So I'm about to get a new iPhone and going to transfer everything via iCloud Backup. I have never done this since i've been having the same iPhone for years now. My question is, if I back up my entire data on iCloud, backup my phone and then turn off the setting, would it delete everything in my new phone?

I don't know what just happened to me?

I needed to buy an iPhone charger from my local store and so i went. As i approached the store a sudden rush of adrenaline just overwhelmed my body and I felt like my height was that of a toddler, from my sight thats what it looked like if you get what I mean. Anyway i just started to feel really sort of dizzy and slightly paranoid for literally no apparent reason, i bought my charger and as I headed home i started to pay attention to every slight part of detail e.g holes in trees and people driving cars. Someone please help me i don't know what just happened

How do I get an AUX jack installed into my car stereo?

This is what my radio looks like.
How do I make it so I can plug my iPhone into it? Do I get a new stereo system, or can I just get an AUX jack installed? If possible, I'd like to be able to control skip back and forth on songs as I would with a CD, which probably means a 3.5 mm jack wouldn't do. Still, I could settle for that. But I'd rather not touch my phone while driving. If possible, I'd still like to have a CD player. I don't necessarily need to keep the six disc CD changer I have now, but I'd like to still be able to play at least one CD. What should I do?

Are younger siblings more likely to try growing up too fast?

I notice that the kids who were allowed to wear crop tops in 5th grade, unsupervised iPhones, full makeup and snuck out were more likely to be the youngest. It might not be true though. That particular group were the ones who tried age-inappropriate things. I'm sure there were firstborns and only children involved too. But generally, a lot of them had older siblings. The most "popular" girl back then had three older brothers… Just like most of her friends. Oddly enough, these children often say/think that their parents don't care or know about them doing these things.