How do you reset an Iphone 5s without Itunes?

I don't have a computer. Its my daughters phone.It says its disabled and connect to ITunes to reset it? But i don't have a computer! Can i reset the phone without Itunes? Its a 5S! Please talk me thru it if i can!

What is the difference between deducting the purchase price of something vs A monthly subscription fee?

My question is what is the difference between deducting the cost of the purchase of a cell phone vs. The monthly cost of using it? Do you always have to buy the cheapest you can get away with ie. Paying $800 for an iPhone when an $80 phone would do the job just fine. Also some of the equipment was purchased in previous years. My parents have always made me go to a tax place to have my taxes done but all they do is use the W2 from my full-time job give me the standard deduction and tell me they can't use anything esle. In previous years I wasn't even trying to do a business and made $0 in income. This year I was told I either had to make some extra money to pay for my equipment or sell it if I wasn't going to use it. Sadly, I'd likely get $50 from selling everything.

We're also looking at things like purchasing $300 Peavey speakers for a DJ show with I could order Marathon speakers for $135 each that do the same thing. Most real professionals will go with the Peavey, while the guys who like to undercut everyone and put on a show $50 for the whole evening will use the cheapest they can get.

I wanted to do my own taxes this year but my parents told me "no" because we don't know for sure that they won't need more than my W2, but I'm going to guess they won't. I'd like to try Credit Karma Tax, but what if I'm wrong? I just didn't like the way H&R Block charged me up the nose last year and the guy acted like he wasn't interested in anything but my W2.

How do you find who owns a web hosting company?

There's some pop up site that keeps popping up on my Iphone 7. It's constantly changing the address so I keep blocking the sites, but they just keep creating a new address. They all end with ".top" - I've tried blocking ".top" hoping it will block any/all addresses that end with it, but it doesn't do it. On top of the pop ups it keeps using, the ones I've blocked keep popping up with a message to unblock it! I'd like to find out who owns this ".top" hosting to contact them to insist they stop and report them for sending these popups. My phone and Safari are updated. I'm not even sure if this is a Safari issue. Is there a way to load some other browser on the phone to see if it stops these popups?

IPhone app question?

I use the Timehop app. Right now I'm on a 611 day streak of posting(each day if you post from you're timehop you extend you're steak.). The problem I'm running into know is when I open the app it keeps crashing I tried to reboot my phone, and delete and reinstall the app buts not working. I don't want my streak to end. How can I get this app to stop crashing

IPhone 6 Stuck in a 'restart loop'?

My phone has been randomly restarting recently and now it's gotten to the point where it's stuck on the restart screen (black background and white apple logo), I've tried the force restart where you hold down the home button and sleep button but nothing seems to be working, plugging it into iTunes isn't working either because it connects and then restarts again which causes a disconnect.

Any solutions would be appreciated, preferably without needing to restore the phone again as I have some photos on there I'd like to keep.

Livestream gopro to youtube?

I want to livestream my gopro to youtube. But i won't have a computer available. Is there an app on my phone i can use? Iphone