Can an iphone 6 plus stop working just because a few drops of water entered through the charger whole?

A few drops of water entered the USB entrance and the headphones entrance too and my phone a few moments later colapsed and started turning on and off like every 10 seconds and then it wouldnt respond to the touch and when i tried charging it for like an hour the battery sign would not appear so i'm curious if its dead or i don't know so please help me! And also i'm currently in vacation so i'm not able to take my phone to the tecnicall store.

How Much Should I Bring to Go to Canada 10pt?

I'm planning to go there to study. How much should I bring for transportation and other stuff? Homestay and school my parents are taking care of it. Would taking a cab after I get off the train be expensive? I'm scared of getting lost when it comes to taking buses and trains and I don't know how to use iPhone GPS.

IPhone 7+ CHARGER exploded while charging?

My friend borrowed my apple charger for her iPhone 7+, it was plugged into an exetintion cord, it was working fine, then she tried plugging in her head phones and they didn't work. She atttempted to restart her phone but, it didn't work. Her phone got stuck on the white screen for a very long time approximately 5minutes then her phone was barley working. It would exit her out of apps and presss random things and freeze up. It has continued this pattern since. It was at 100 and froze to 1. Please tell us what's wrong!