IPhone can't call properly, I can hear them but they can't hear me

IPhone can't call properly, I can hear them but they can't hear me? Help?

Added (1). My iPhone X won't let me call properly the last few weeks, all people hear is a crackling noise on calls. What's weird is the microphone still works perfect when filming a video. Went to the phone shop and they said to try a new sim, I have and it still won't work.

I think I accidentally started Scam Likely?

Guys I'm so confused and wondering if this is pure coincidence.

A long while back (possible a year or two ago… Hell three?) I got sick and tired of the constant advertising calls and labeled them all "Scam Likely" whenever they would come in so I would know not to pick up. Suddenly this **** is everywhere and people have made actual videos complaining of incoming calls labeled "scam likely."

Did I start something by mistake? How is the ID I selected for a couple phone calls suddenly on everyone's IPhone? Is that even possible, I had never heard of ANYONE period getting a phone call with the ID "scam Likely" before I started using it.

I'm so confused.

How do you get iTunes on Chromebook?

My girlfriend is trying to get iTunes on her Chromebook laptop but she's having a hard time doing it. How do you get it on Chromebook or can you get it at all?