Why can't Apple count?

Apple have made the iPhone, iPhone 2, iPhone 3, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6+, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7, iPhone 7+, iPhone 8, iPhone 8+ then iPhone X (X is pronounced 10 like the Roman numeral) it goes 7,8,9,10 not 7,8, ooh let's just miss 9, 10. Can Apple not count?

Are these misdemeanors or felonies?

What will the charge be
1) steal someone stuffed animal and beat them up and then take off running with that person s stuffed animal
2) someone is jogging through the park then about six people approach him start laughing at him then finally it turns violent by punching the jogger in his face giving him several cuts and a black eye finally they demand his money steal his iPhone then take off running with that jogger s iPhone
3) entering a shop after hours at night to steal a sound system from the store

Should I get the iPhone X or the iPhone 8 (NOT plus)?

I currently have an iPhone 5S. My phone keeps running out of storage and is starting to glitch a lot, so I need a new phone. I'm leaning towards getting either the iPhone X or iPhone 8 due to their size (I have small hands). I was originally thinking about getting the iPhone X, but I think the notch might bother me. I would get the iPhone 8, but I do like the bezel-less display of the iPhone X.
Which should I get? And NO I'm not getting an Android - I was a huge Android person before and the OS always glitches.

Iphone pop-up won't go away?

There's a pop-up on my phone that says "warningvirusalertcallapple" with a "cancel" and a "call" but i can't choose either. It won't let me tap anything so i can't even power off my phone. Any suggestions? I'm trying to wait until it dies

Should I reset my iPhone?

I just got my iPhone 7 Plus with 256 around 3 weeks ago. Everything was fine and it let me download apps easily. Now, whenever I try to download an app it takes forever to load and then it asks me for my fingerprint and then has me put in my App Store password like four times before it actually downloads. Also, whenever I open a game some weird Game Center name comes up and when I click on it it doesn't let me go to the Game Center. Should I just reset it?