Music Box won't work off Cydia?

I downloaded MusicBox off of Cydia Monday after the new IOS 6.1 jailbreak by evasion dropped for iPhone 4S. I downloaded music box and downloaded songs for about 2 or 3 days. Then I went back to download more songs and when I go to search for an artist or song it pulls up a blank screen where all my music options should be. I have tried respringing my phone, I have removed it and redownloaded it, and I have tried just simply reinstalling it. It won't work on my 3G or Wi-Fi. Any help?

Which is better: ipad 3 or iphone 5?

I recently ordered my iphone 5 but i'm thinking about canceling my order and just getting an ipad 3. I do want a tablet but i still need a new phone. Is it worth it?

Can't find an iPhone 5 iHome?

I can't find one. Could someone post links to some? Preferably cute ones.

Added (1).… And please no song lyrics as answers.

IPhone 4S help, deleted messages?

So I had messages from Friday and it was with the guy I like, saying how he feels about me, and I deleted the messages by accident. (I'm Really mad now)
And when ever I go to search and type up keywords from it, it shows the messages but if I click on it, then it just takes me to my messages, and not that message…
So it's like it's there… But I can't see the full thing.
Please tell me there's a way to get my messages back, please Please help if there's (ps I didn't back it up or anything D: )

How to find downloaded ringtones on the iPhone?

I have the iPhone 5 with the newest version of iTunes. I followed a step by step procedure on how to make your own ringtone for the iPhone. After syncing my iPhone with my computer, I couldn't find where my ringtone was put on my iPhone. I looked in ringtones and text tones. Where would I be able to find the ringtone on my phone and set it as my ringtone?