What do I need if my iPhone glass is cracked?

Both the front and back of my iPhone is cracked but I'm more worried about the front. What exactly do I need to buy to fix the front? Just glass or what? We should be able to do it at home so I just need the parts.

Why is YouTube so slow on my iPhone 5?

I use YouTube a lot and I hate when my video stop and has to load. This hasn't happened since I got the new iPhone. My Internet works perfect on my laptop and my Xbox. Does anyone know what is happening?

IPhone 4S is lagging really badly?

I got my iphone back in november and it was fine at first. It was fast and never lagged but for the past couple days it has been really slow. Whenever I get a text message, my whole phone freezes for like 4-5 seconds and the same thing happens when I send a text. Also my safari and apps have been force closing because it takes them too long to open. I don't have tons of apps and never keep windows open on safari. Any ideas! If this keeps happening I'm thinking of switching back to android.

I want an iphone 5.inexpensive mobile plans?

I want an iphone 5… But a lot of the big name companies are too expensive. Are there any good deals for the big name brands (verizon, at&t, sprint, etc.) I also checked out some of the cheap brands like virgin mobile and criKet, but virgin mobile doesn't have iphone 5's and criKet costs almost 500 dollars for a iphone 5. Any brand recommendations?

5 points to best answer!
ANy advice is greatly appreciated!

I need to transfer my notes onto my IPhone?

I had an ipod for a long time. My ipod started to wear out so i used my warranty to get a new one. Best Buy upgraded me to an ipod 5. Then, i bought myself an IPhone. I wanted to keep my ipod in the box because i wanted to sell it. But is there anyway i can still get my pictures and notes onto my iphone without opening the ipod box?

Added (1). Ps- i had to give up my ipod when Best Buy gave me the new Ipod 5, so i don't have the original ipod with the notes and pictures on it and i'm worried that they're all lost.

Why Can't I Login to Hulu Plus?

My family and I have Hulu Plus through our Apple TV. We had Netflix for quite some time and it worked both on Apple TV and on all our devices.iPhones, iPods, iPads, iMac, you name it we could watch Netflix on it. For some reason we can't use the Hulu Plus app on anything other than Apple TV, and the website says "Invalid Username or Password:.