My Iphone screen isn't working? - 2

If i click one app it takes me to another one and there's no consistency in this. Also only half of the screen works so I can use some of the letters but not all. I have had my Iphone for a month now and have only dropped it a few times but on carpet plus it has an otter box case and sreen protector. This morning at school someone accidently pushed me so I dropped my phone onto tile. My mom is very mad at me for breaking it but it wasn't my fault. How can I fix this without having to take it to the AT&T store or Apple store?

What is the difference between Wi-Fi, LTE, and 4G?

I have an iPhone 5. I have a strong Wi-Fi signal in my house and my phone says its connected to my Wi-Fi in the settings but at the top of the screen it either says LTE or 4G. I don't have unlimited data, so I don't want to waste it. Is LTE using more, less, or no data? And how to i get my phone to use Wi-Fi?

Full service bars, but no Internet?

I have full internet service bars on my desktop, ipad and iPhone. However, when I try to access the Internet it says the server has stopped responding. What could this mean? I've reset my modem and Wi-Fi box but it did not help. I use optimum online. Could it be my router or Internet service?

Acer laptop won't connect to Wi-Fi?

So I have an acer laptop, it doesn't have a CD drive but has Bluetooth and Wi-Fi accessibility. I know my acer can connect to Wi-Fi. As I used to connect to Starbucks Wi-Fi all the time until we moved -.-
So we brought our own Wi-Fi, but now my laptop just detects it but doesn't connect. My Wi-Fi works fine. I can connect my macbookpro, iPhone 4S and iPad 3 to it. My acer is just acting up! A little help please!

Had my Iphone 5 for 3 months and it's already malfunctioning

Okay so I'm having problems with my Iphone 5 (surprise, surprise).It does things on its own without me doing anything.e. G if I start playing a song of my music or watch a video on youtube, it will suddenly pause on its own then start playing again then pause again or it will rewind or fast forward what ever i'm watching/listening to on its own. It will randomly activate siri on its own without my even touching it. And this doesn't happen every now and then, it happens consistantly while it is on! In fact just now, I set my iphone down on my desk and it just started playing a song on my playlist! This is really frustrating! What can I do to solve this? Has anyone had any similar problems?
iPhone 5

How to set up a second email account on an iPhone 4?

I already have an email account set up on my phone but I really need to add my school account, so I have gone on add account etc etc and I'm now on a page that says Email;Server;Domain;Username;Password;De… What is a server and a domain? How do I know what my specific one is? If its relevant, the school's email is on Microsoft Outlook.

Samsung trac iphone.Wi-Fi problems?

>i was trying to turn the Wi-Fi on to connect to my router last night.
>it kept saying it was authenticating then it would up disabled.
>i have tried to "forget" the connection then re type the password and reconnect but it does the same thing.
>i have had multiple problems with it but this is untolerable.
>it will randomly go off then i have to turn the Wi-Fi off and back on, usually works. But not this time.
>i don't know what i'm supposed to do now.
>i have asked my parents for help but they are complete assholes so that was a useless feat.
>can anyone tell me what to do?

Added (1). I read online that a personhad a problem jus like mine and ended up having to sell it and buy a new one by doing the factory reset so i'm good there.

Problems with wireless router?

My wireless router for my house is continuously disconnecting. To relieve this I have to keep on unplugging it from the mains. Is there any way to alleviate this problem? There are three laptops, one iPhone, one iPod touch and one Playstation 3 connected to it, could this be the problem or could it be solved by purchasing a new router? I bought it around 6 or 7 years ago so could it be worn out? Is the best solution to this problem buying a new one altogether?

Added (1). Also, not only is it cutting out frequently, but it is running pretty slow the vast majority of the time.