Why can I ALWAYS only hear on one side of my earpiece/headphones on my iPhone?

I think I have spoilt more than 5 already. I have tried everything from the original apple one, akg, and beats but eventually it's always the left side that gets cut off and I can only hear on the right side. If I use them on other devices than my iPhone for a long time, it will not happen. This only happens on my iPhone 4 in the long term. Initially I thought it had something to do with the plug hole and the wires being cut due to improper maintenance. So I changed to beats Bluetooth headphones and the same problem occurred. I'm fed up with this happening every single time. I have checked the accessibility setting and the volume settings are fine. (L-R balance, mono audio off) even though I love the iPhone having every single headphones/earpiece of mine dying on one side is unacceptable and am even thinking of changing phones. Someone please help.

Does Jailbreaking the IPhone slow it down?

I'm getting an IPhone 5 and I want to jailbreak it and get the app "MakeItMine" that is it. The app is to change the banner/carrier of the phone and that is all I will do if i jailbreak it. I need to know if this will slow the phone down, if it will then I just won't jailbreak it.

Can you play the game Lili on IPhone 4S?

My cousin has an iPhone 4S and she wanted to know if you can play the RPG game Lili on it since she heard it was made for iPhone 5… Can you? And does it lag/are the graphics blurry?

Added (1). Also is it a good game? Is it worth buying?

IPhone is dead and won't charge?

I charged my iPhone 4 for over 3 hours with 2 different chargers and it still won't turn on. I know the socket is working and the charger is working too because I tried it with my iPad. Usually when my phone is charging a charging picture comes up. Nothing is happening with my dead iPhone. What's the problem with it?

Will my iPhone 5 adapter work with my speakers?

I got an iPhone 5 adapter and I tried plugging it into my speakers and even though it says its charging, the music won't come out of the speakers, and that's happened for every device i've tried to use it with.Am I doing something wrong, or do I have to go out and buy a whole new speaker?

Are my veins blue, green, or in-between the two?

I'm just trying to work out what my skin tone is and figured I should get more opinions on the colour of my veins.
Thank you guys!

Are my veins blue, green, or in-between the two
Are my veins blue, green, or in-between the two - 1

(These pictures were taken in natural light with an iphone camera - sorry for bad quality)

Dropped my iphone, it has a crack?

Ok so i was at my friend's house taking pics with her in the snow. So my phone slips and I didn't notice it yet but there was a crack! What do I do? My parents are gonna kill me! How much money to repair?

Added (1). It starts about halfway down the left side of the screen and curves up to the right side of the camera.