Is iMessage free over 4G / LTE?

I cut off my unlimited data plan on my iPhone 5, because I use iMessage more that the normal SMS and now I'm wondering if ATT is gonna charge for me using iMessage?
Or do I need a texting plan? If so I'm gonna download a texting app, like TextPlus.

Is there an App to lock Whatsapp?

Is there an app i can download fro apple store to lock Whatsapp? I have an iPhone 4. Please give one that is guaranteed and i don't mind if it costs money as long as it works and sets a password to my Whatsapp.

He's sending mixed signals. I'm confused?

I've had a crush on this guy for the past few months. If I go into complete detail this will be a whole saga. So I'm gonna shorten it big time. We met back in September through my best friend (they're cousins). We clicked right away and were comfortable with eachother since the first time we hung out. When we first started talking it was really obvious he liked me. We texted all the time, he started the convo most of the time, and he flirted all the time. Then we started drifting (we go to different schools but live like 10 minutes away).So skipping forward to recently. We went from snapchatting (iphone app where you send pictures back and forth) like every night to no contact for a week. So now we haven't talked/snapchatted in over a week. I decided to give up until he puts in effort. I figured he didn't like me anymore or something. Well last night I posted a picture of myself on instagram and he liked it. That's the 3rd self pic of me he's liked.

I don't know if this means anything or not. I know a lot of my guy friend's liked the picture as well. But since me and this guy had a thing. I don't know if it's different. I'm just so confused. His birthday's next week so I'll wish him a happy birthday. But other than that I guess I should keep waiting for him to contact me.

My contacts on my iPhone got deleted?

I just got the iPhone 5 and I woke up this morning and went on my contacts and it said no contacts. I didn't do anything! How can I get them back? And no I didn't sync it or anything.

My wifes iphone battery died and won't come on?

My wife just called from work to say that her phone died and when she plugged it back in it tells her to connect to itunes and shows the USB symbol, like the way it come from the factory. Does anybody know why and what she has done or what to do? Thanks

Added (1). Is there any danger of a real answer of meaning. The phone is with her at work and simply ran out of battery. She says she turned it back on and that is what the phone says. Is this possible or has she formatted it or messed with it?

Does jailbreaking an iPhone 4 un-network lock it also?

I just traded with a mate for his iPhone but it's network locked to Telstra. If I jailbreak it will it unlock it so I can use my provider? Also if I jailbreak it can I still use the app store as I have a few apps I need, thanks.

Added (1). My mate bought it 2nd hand off ebay, doesn't have contact with the seller either.

Added (2). Also ios is 6.0.1

Good song making apps/programs?

So, i'm thinking of making songs/covers, and i was wondering if there are any good free song making apps or programs, for iphones, ipads, pc, or a mac computer.basically to combine my drum, voice, keyboard, and guitar(maybe guitar)