Why won't my iPhone 4s connect to my App Store?
I was trying to download a game but a little box comes up every time and says "Can't connect to iTunes Store". I have rebooted my phone and everything else. Any other suggestions?
I was trying to download a game but a little box comes up every time and says "Can't connect to iTunes Store". I have rebooted my phone and everything else. Any other suggestions?
I have a Linksys Wireless G router. My home PC is connected just fine and works properly. However, for the last two or three days, my Macbook Pro and Iphone have either not been able to connect or when they do, it is so slow it really doesn't work. I get the "Connection timeout" error message when I try to connect. I have tried restarting the router numerous times and nothing changes. I'm not tech savy at all, so I really have no idea what to do.
On instagram I see many photos of people floating in the air. I understand that some are made off of a computer but some of the users do say they create the image on their phones, but they never tell what app or how. If someone could help an aspiring photographer that would be amazing.
How much does the iPhone five cost?
I have the IPhone 4S, & the other day my mom said she she could GPS where I was at, she doesn't have a smart phone or anything. So can she actually track where my phone is online or something? & it she can, is there something I can turn off on my phone so she can't locate it?
I want to order an iPhone 3gs to use as an iPod Touch but I pretty sure it has no sim, but i heard it will have a constant pop-up saying no sim installed, so could i put a old Net10 sim into the iPhone and will it stop the Pop up?
I have a straight talk iphone, I put a sin card in it. I did change the APN settings. The problem is that I can only send pictures to iPhones. I CAN't send pictures to other phones. Like android, etc. If you had these problems and fixed them can you please tell me? I have iOS 6, and I changed my APN setting by downloading the file from unlockitz.
Okay so I got this really cute photo of me and my friends and I want it to be my fb core photo but i don't know how to do it from my iphone4s. I've seen the little camera thing at the right lower corner but it's not there anymore so how do I do it? It's the Facebook app version 5.3.
I'm in the US and connected to a wireless network- 100% sure tested. It is saying "There's no SIM card installed in the iPhone you are attempting to activate. Device is activated on CDMA US network. International roaming requires a SIM. What does this mean, why is this doing it, and how can I fix it? I'd like my iPhone to look exactly like my iPod does.
I have an Alpine CDE-102 and in having trouble connecting my iPhone 5 via the USB port on the stereo. When I connect the iPhone it reads "Device Error".Is there any way to fix it?