Can T-Mobile carry my iPhone 4s or 5?

Hi. My parents are gonna give me an iPhone 4s or 5 because it's the one I want, but they say that we must carry it with T-Mobile. Are the iPhone 4s or 5 available to be carried by T-Mobile; what does 'unlocking' an iPhone at T-Mobile mean? What should I do? (NEVER had a phone before)

How do people break their iPhones so easily?

I did a little experiment with my old iPhone 4 today. I wanted to see how much it could go through until it breaks.

I had to hit it against a cabinet 8 times and dropped it 12 times before the screen even cracked. I never had a case on it and it never had a scratch before today. How do people break theirs so easily?

I can't remember my restrictions passcode

Ok… I have a iphone 4s (jailbroken) on 5.1.1 software… I have tried many things like opening the files in IFile (for Cydia) and editing them but nothing has worked please help me… I do not want to reset to factory settings either as i possible can't as i donot have a usb charger


Frustrated with Itunes and other Apple products?

Am I the only one? Not only are they ridiculously overpriced because people are willing to pay these extreme prices, but the stuff is suppose to just be a snap to connect to each other. I just spent an hour trying to pull paid for music off of an iphone and put it on itunes to move it to an ipad and got nowhere. It kept asking me if I want to Authorize. I clicked yes every time and put in my id and password and it would say I have already authorized. None of the songs would be imported. These are not my devices btw. I was going to use my moms old ipod shuffle for working out. I will never buy their stuff. It is ridiculous.

Can android send group messages to iphone?

I have a group of friends who all have androids and I'm the only iphone user. One of these Android friends sends out group texts to us all quite often and, without fail, the messages always go to my email instead of my text messages. Is there anyway I can fix this? And no, I do not want an android… I love my iphone!

Can my iPhone 4 back-up transfer to a new iPhone?

So i lost my iPhone 4 yesterday. It is connected with Find My iPhone but it is offline (most likely dead) and so i can't see it's location. I backed up my iPhone on my Mac about two weeks ago so I'm not that worried about losing all of its data. My question is if i were to get a new iPhone 4 would i be able to get the back-up that's on my computer to transfer over to my new one? Would all my stuff on my old phone then be on my new one? And does the same go for newer versions of the iPhone? Can iPhone 4 back-ups go on new iPhone 4S or iPhone 5's? Answers would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

IPhone 3GS not charging when on the phone?

My iPhone recently started not charging while on the phone today. When I'm off the phone it fine. I do t get the same charging button when I'm on the phone. It says its charging and it's a white background with the cord button were it tells the percentage. But after I'm off the phone it's fine? What's going on?

My iPhone is stuck on recovery loop

My iphone is always on recovery mode so it can't be switched on. When it is plugged in to the pc it is stuck on boot loop. Whenever i try to restore it, errors pop out. I have many things, what shall i do?