Can I use Verizon Sim Card in ATT iPhone?

I have an att iphone 4 ios 6.01, but my carrier is verizon. I have a sim card for my old Verizon phone but someone told me that it is a LTE sim card and that it is different and won't work even if i unlock or jail break the iphone. Is this true?

How to use my straight talk on and iphone 3gs?

We just bought this iphone 3gs for dirt cheap. We have straight talk and thought that we could just take the sim out of that and put it in the iphone. Will that work or do i have to order some a.t.and.t.compatable sim that i keep hearing about. I really need some help so if i could get a straight forward answer thats not too compicated for the not techy people… That would be great, but anything will do.

When will Obama increase our food stamp benefits?

The greedy rich hoard all the wealth and won't pay their fair share. Think about all the free stuff we can get if they paid more taxes! (iPhone, iPad, gasoline, Internet, Xbox 360, flat-screen TV, Netflix, etc.)

Is there an IPhone app that reads to you?

Firstly, I'm on an iPad. I have the Adobe Reader app with a.pdf file in it. Is there an app (either free or paid) that will read the text from the.pdf to me? I can even use iPhone apps. What's it called?

I have a barred in the uk iphone, which country can I sell it in?

Don't just say oh you stole a phone blah blah blah, I paid for it but I wasn't old enough when I signed the contract so o2 barred the phone and won't give me any of the £150 I paid for it at the start of the contract. So yeah barred in the uk, will it work anywhere in the world or outside Europe or what? I heard some countries share the 'black list' (man this makes me sound like a criminal) so yeah any idea where it will work where not?

An artist's name is missing from my iPhone, how do I get it to show up?

The artist is not showing up on the 'Artist' list on my iPhone, yet their music is on there and they're showing up on the 'Artist' list on my iTunes account… How can I get the artist back onto the 'Artist' list on my iPhone? I've tried syncing it with no success. I don't want to have to delete the entire music library and replace it for such a small detail… But if that's what I have to do, then I'm prepared to do it.

How to get my movie/video clip onto my iPhone through iTunes?

So basically I want to get this file onto my iTunes to get onto my iPhone. The file was originally an.avi file then I renamed to.mp4 but it still isn't letting me add to library. Help As soon as possible? (:

I have a 4S by the way and I have 3 short videos and 1 movie on there already if that effects it in anyway!

IPhone battery dies quickly?

I have an iPhone 4S and this week it's been draining more than ever. I haven't been using it anymore than I usually do. When I get home from schools it's at like 10 percent which it's usually just at 60. Even when I put my phone alway and use it like 3 times the whole day it still does so quickly. 15 minutes after I charge it it's at 70 percent. I try closing out my apps fully and turning my brightness on all the way low and if still hasn't helped. What's wrong with my phone and what should I do?

Jpg attachments are being received as empty?

Jpg attachments are being received as empty. This did not begin happening until December 22, 2012. Since then all jpeg attachments say they are empty. This happens on my desktop, laptop, ipad and iphone. I have checked the setting to make sure I can receive remote images on all my devices. Any other suggestions?

Added (1). All the images are coming from the same person. If the problem is on their end, any guesses what that might be? They being sent from a Blackberry if that helps.

Repairing iPhone- do they give you a new one?

Hi! I bought my iphone 5 back in september. I now have 2 dents in it- one on the bottom right side of the frame, and one on the top left.
The sleep/wake button has stopped working in November.
I'm taking it to the apple store to repair it on Sunday, and even though my "service and coverage" support is still active, I wasn't sure whether they'd repair it since I have 2 dents in it.

I've heard they sometimes give people new iphones, to replace the broken ones. What does that depend on then?

If so, can you get a new colour, or not?