How much would this verizon bill be?

Okay I want to get my son a iphone 4 (which is free with 2 year contract) i have my phone on a single line business account and how much is it to add my sons phone?

My iCloud isn't working

I have a 2nd hand iPhone 4 and when I fill out the form for iCloud it says "your device is not eligible for an iCloud account" anyway to help me get one?

Lost my iphone 4s will i get my pictures?

I lost my iphone 4s in cuba, now i'm home and i'm getting the 5, and i was wondering if there's any way i can get my pictures back, i had 3000 or something pictures and i really need to know if i can load my iphone on to my computer and it will get them back /? Help As soon as possible, wil my contacts come back to?

Can I buy a US iPhone and use it in the UK?

Can I buy an iPhone 4 from the US, and put a UK sim card in it, and use it normally?
Does it have to be factory unlocked, or can I unlock it myself?
Also, will I be able to use 3g on it?

What happened to IPhone maps?

Why can't you use the bus function on the default apple maps anymore? I just don't really trust another app for a bus schedule.

Best place to get an unlock code for iphone 4s with YOUR expierience?

Well i hve an iphone 4s for virgin mobile switching ober to tmobile. Both companies are complete idiots. Virgin mobile won't give me an unlock code and tmobile can't give me one unless i was seitching from their company to another. So best site to use when it comes to paying for an unlock code cause its my dad money and i don't want him to get cheated outta his money please help

How much is an iphone 4s for Sprint?

I'm already on a plan for Sprint. The phone i have doesn't work right i went to get it fixed they said nothing was wrong when clearly there's. I can't upgrade until next year unfortunately but if i was to go to the Sprint store and buy an iphone 4s and switch to that phone would they let me do that? And does anyone know how much a iphone 4s is for Sprint. Thanks.

Added (1). Uhmm no lol

Added (2). And that didn't answer my question

Does an iPhone 4 scratch easily?

In August 2012 I bought an iPhone 4 (yes, I know, I'm very late) but anyway, ever since I got it, it's always been in a case and had screen protectors, both on the screen and on the back side of the phone when I use bumpers. But after a certain period of time the screen protectors get really dirty and you can't really use the touch screen properly because of it and it's really annoying to always have to change the screen protectors. So I was wondering… Does the phone scratch easily? I would like to just take the screen protectors off and not worry about scratches that much… I've never dropped my phone to the ground while holding it, I take really good care of it so there wouldn't be any scratches like that but I've heard people say it scratches Really easily and I can't stand scratches on my phone so what do you guys think I should do?