How to put music on iphone 5?

Okay so I just got a new laptop & my father had linux put on it & I can't seem to download iTunes? I don't know why. Any other ways I could put music on my iPhone?
Also my sister has Windows 8 & she has itunes & I tried to use that but it wouldn't sync any of the music she has to my iPhone? Why?

Can I control my Android 4.1 device with my iPhone 4?

I recently purchased a Mini Imito MX1 Android 4.1 mini PC for my TV to turn it into a smart TV. I also purchased a blue tooth keyboard/air mouse to control it. While that is functional, it is not optimal. Is there an iPhone app that will allow my iPhone 4 to become a bluetooth keyboard/mouse to control an Android device?

My iphone 4S apps won't download

I have the apple iphone4S with version 6.0.1. I have full Wi-Fi and service but for the past few days I have been trying to download 3 apps, that are stuck on the waiting thing. I've restarted my phone a couple times, singed in and out of itunes, deleted and re-downloaded all the apps more than 10 times, reset my settings and I attempted to back it up but it did not work. I just do not know what to do! What can I do to make them download?

Added (1). I have held down the home and power button simultaneously but all that does is restart it like I have done before. I have restarted the app store too but that also did not work

What are some good 2 player games on the iphone?

My boyfriend and I are starting to play draw my thing game and were addicted to the game. I was wondering if anyone knows any other free app games that me and him can play together. We both have an Iphone and we like to battle each other once in awhile for fun. If you know any games please let me know.

Why is my 3G on my iPhone 4S bad?

Basically, I have a iPhone 4S on Vodafone pay monthly, unlimited everything. I barely ever get 3G, most of the time it's the 'o'. A few of my friends have the 4s and when I'm with them they can get 3G easily but my phone doesn't seem to find it? Why can't I find 3G all the time like my friends do? I live in a big town so this probably has nothing to do with the towers.

Using your debit card on an ipod touch or iphone?

If I used my debit card on my ipod touch to by something is it still at risk of being hacked or from someone being able to use it?

Added (1). I'm talking about buying stuff off of safari like on amazon or whatever

Should I get iPhone 5 or HTC DNA?

I just got a MacBook Pro and have had an iPad 2. I currently have a htc rezound and I'm upgrading in April 2013. Should I get the htc dna or iPhone 5? I love that on androids I can download my own music for free and all but what can I do with an iPhone 5 and my MacBook that I can't do with a htc dna? I have been looking and reading reviews on both phones and also watched videos on comparing the two phones. Has anyone out there had the dna and switched to iPhone 5 or the other way around? I need help on making a good choice for a phone that will last me for at least 2 yrs. I've had the iPhone 3GS with AT&T years ago and got sick of it and got an android phone when I switched to Verizon 2 years ago. Any help would be great!

Iphone 4 No Service with Straight Talk?

I bought a micro sim from straight talk to use in my iPhone 4. I received the sim and activated it and had them port my number from AT&T. They said my port was complete and and my sim was active so i stuck the new one in my phone and turned it on and it said "searching… " and after a few seconds it says "No Service". I called Straight Talk and they said everything looks fine on there end, and to wait 24 hours to let the sim finsih downloading the info. To me this doesn't sound right, when i originaly got AT&T i activated it basically the same way and it worked flawless ly. I have already turned the phone off and back on probly 15 times and pulled the sim out and put it back in like 5 times. Is there any thing i can do?

Added (1). Yes i'm 100% positive i have an ATT iPhone 4… I bought it from ATT