How to put music from iTunes on to your iPhone 4S?

When I first got my iPhone 4S I started it on another laptop, that one broke and now I have a new one. When I go to 'sync music' on this laptop it says Remove and Sync? I don't want to delete anything on my iPhone now, all i want to do is add a few songs?

Added (1). It won't let me drag to the iPhone

Iphone 5 won't sync with my music library?

I just got a new phone and I synced it my my laptop and added all the music I had on my music library. I purchased some music new music on itunes later but after a few days a couple of those songs wouldn't play on my iPhone. So in order to fix the problem I bought itunes match and synced my iphone to my computer and everything in order to get the music to play. Well, now the only songs on my iphone are the ones i recently purchased and even though the "on this iPhone" section of itunes says my phone has all my original music, it doesn't. The music still doesn't show up even after trying to drag it from my library to my phone.please, anyone know what's up with this!

How to transfer my eBooks to my iPhone?

I have an eBooks app on my android Samsung epic 4g. I was wondering if there was a way that I can transfer my eBook files to my iPhone? Via PDF file or something like that. I can't find that exact app on the iPhone app store so I can't just download that app and sign in. Any suggestions?

Any way to transfer iPhone SMS text messages to computer?

I have a year and a half worth of text messages from my girlfriend and I want to go back and see what our first conversations were like again. Is there any free program or anything that can transfer all the SMS texts to my computer?

How to get 4G on the iPhone 5? - 1

I have a sim only deal that ends in June 2013 and it says 3G on my phone, I just want to know how to get 4G because thats the main reason I got the iPhone 5

Do some car dealerships have special funds to help low income people afford a car?

My sister and mother received a thing in the mail from Ford Grindstaff saying they won a prize. $15, 000 debit card, IPad + IPhone, 250 Gift Card (Must Be Used On Special Website), or $150 in cash. Well my sister went to claim her prize which was the $250 Gift Card. While there she traded her PT Cruiser in for a Kia Berrango. The Kia Berrango she got was $12, 000 and they gave her $7, 000 toward her PT Cruiser. So now starting in March she has to pay $100 toward the Kia Berrango till paid off. She is $2, 300 something in debt which Ford Grindstaff said they will send her a check for $2, 300 to pay off her debt to be able to afford to pay the car off better. They said they have a special fund or bank they go through to do this and help low income families get cars easier. They said she should receive the check within 7 to 10 business days. Is this a lie or can it be true? If she doesn't get the money promised her she can't keep the car and they already got her PT Cruiser up for sale. So she's in trouble if she doesn't get the money. What are your thoughts about this and do you think their lying or telling the truth! She got handwritten proof that they will send a check of $2, 300, but she's thinking about demanding more like name of the fund or bank etc and a printed copy saying she'll get it. Let us know your thoughts as soon as possible.

Added (1). O my mother doesn't have an appt. With them till Saturday 1/19/13. My sister's appt.came and gone the other day.

Added (2). Yep, just recently found out they took her for a ride and lied about everything. The car was actually $19, 000 plus warranty making it $22, 000 and then their only going to send her $1, 500 so they say. So everyone gets a 10 points here if I was able. Dang them to hadies for this.

Added (3). O forgot to add that her payments are $500 something a month for 6 months then she can get it refinanced and make it around $200 something a month. She says if she receives the $1, 500 she can have her debt paid off in a year and also she has budgeted some things and still believe she can afford the new car so here's hoping she knows what she's doing. She had me do the math of her bills, debt, and car and she looks to come out okay so I hope. Here's praying for her it works out. My mother and I are going to let them take us for a ride I'll tell them to go to hadies if they try to much.