Why does my iPhone keep contacts that I've deleted?

When I go into my contacts and delete them, they're gone but I can go into messages and type in that person's name and it will still be there for me to text. When I text them, it shows up as their number not their name, but my phone remembers it for me to contact them. How do I get rid of this? When I delete a number I don't want to have any access to it. I've tried deleting it off iCloud and my phone, no luck. Any advice? X

Changing from normal sim card to iPhone 4 sim card?

I'm an AT&T customer with a smart phone. I'm wanting to buy an iPhone 4 but I know they take smaller sim cards than normal phones. If I buy an iPhone from an individual, can I take it to AT&T and have them give me a smaller sim card & transfer my information? Would I have to pay extra for it? Is it even possible?

How much should I sell my iPhone 4? - 1

It's in perfect condition. 8gb. I had a case on it so there's no scratches. It works fine I never had a problem with it. I cancel my contract with AT&T so I want to sell but I don't know how much I should sell it for?

How to jailbreak iPhone 4S running on iOS 6.0.1 for free?

I do not want to pay for jailbreaking. I want to know how do I jailbreak iPhone 4S running on iOS 6.0.1. I've realized that jailbreaking iPhone 4 is easier than the iPhone 4S, so that is why I want to know how to jailbreak iPhone 4S, not 4! Don't be mistaken!

How to transfer songs from my iPhone to my iTunes on my computer?

A while a go I did a transfer of iTunes between two computers, and about 200 songs got lost along the way, but they are still on my iPhone. Is there a way of syncing all these songs onto iTunes? (these songs weren't bought on iTunes though, so don't tell me to 'transfer purchases')

Do I need to pay for face time?

I have an iphone 5 and I don't have very much data so I just blocked it because I don't really use it and I don't want to have my friends taking my phone and going over the data limit. And if you have to pay for phone calls do you also have to pay for facetime? Or does it just use the Wi-Fi?

Insert valid sim with no PIN lock?

I've just bought an iPhone 4.It's 3 months old and unlocked. However, when I switch it on, this message comes up "Insert valid SIM with no PIN lock"

I previously owned a Blackberry, and I cut my SIM into a MicroSIM after meticulously following intstructions online, to the letter. I haven't damaged the gold chip, it remains untouched. I've tried plugging it into iTunes, but as with on the phone, it lets me select the language, country and Wi-Fi network, then it comes up with this message "We're unable to continue with your activation at this time. Please try again later, or contact customer care."

I'm really confused, what am I supposed to do?

Iphone 4 Front Facing Camera won't load?

I have just got a iphone 4 with a cracked screen, the normal camera works perfectly fine but whenever i press the icon to switch to the the front facing camera it won't load off the shutter screen. Once this has happened the only way to get it back to being able to use the normal camera is to reset the phone completely.

Is there any solutions to this problem?

Added (1). Would having the screen fixed solve this problem?

Should i get verizon or AT&T?

I'm gonna buy an iphone on friday. I don't know which carrier i should choose. What are your thoughts about your carrier.

and to add to this question. At home, i use verizon. (verizon internet, and phone. Thats it) but i don't pay any of the bills. The QUEEEN of the house does. And she will not pay my phone bill. I will pay for my phone bill.

i just don't know if i should just get the same company. And if i do is there some sort of discount since i'm already using their company?