Iphone stolen what should i do?

Well i'm super carefull with my stuff, including my iphone. That's the most expensive thing i own. Well my friend wanted do to something on my phone while i was doing something. In 5th period i realized i left my phone but i knew, it was on the dance room, and we're all like family. After school and the next day i check the phone is not there. She doesn't know where she put it. What should i do? Should she pay it? Or you guys think she stole it? She doesn't have a good phone, and she kinda has a bad history by lying.

IPhone The Walking Dead game episode 6+ release

I've just finished playing Telltale, the walking dead on iPhone 4S, all 5 episodes! And they were amazing! Well worth the money for the Game. What i'm wondering is when/if there's going to be an episode 6 and more… And when?

How to upload a particular playlist to iPhone from iTunes?

I want to upload only one of my playlists in my iTunes. I called it 'iPhone' and it just has songs I like in it, I don't want any of the other songs in my iTunes to be uploaded ONLY this particular playlist.

Is there anyway I can do this?

Unlock my AT&T iPhone still need to pay?

So I brought an iPhone from AT&T with 2 years contract and unlock it to Tmobile. Do I still need to pay the 2 years contract if I unlock my contract iphone? Thanks!

Added (1). Ok thanks… I saw some unlocking on eBay. It said the phone can be unlocked even if contract, blacklist, and lost/stolen. It said when it unlock you can use on any carrier on blacklist too. Is that true?

My iphone 4s won't work

First the apps would open up and then close themselves everytime i pressed on them, so i kept restarting it so it would start working again. Now it keeps going on the apple sign then the little loading sign comes on and it keeps repeating in that cycle, I have tried holding both buttons down however many seconds and its just not working! Is my phone doomed? Do I wait for the battery to run out or is it a lost cause? Also my storage was playing up telling me that I hardly had any space left and I kept purchasing things off itunes even though my storage was full. CAN ANYONE Please Help, IT WON't WORK

Added (1). Apps wouldn't open*

How to disinfect your iPhone screen?

I just bought my iPhone five a few months back, And I was wondering how to disinfect the screen. Lots of my friends have been touching my phone screen who are sick, and I want to be able to clean the screen and kill germs. I don't want to use alcohol or water or any of those other sprays or disinfects because that'll damage the phone screen. Is there any type of wipe I can buy from apple or another place that you can use to clean or disinfect the screen? If so where can I buy it? Are there any at home SAFE products I can use that will for sure not damage the iPhone 5 screen?