Why isn't my internet on my laptop working? DNS server?

My internet on the home computer is working and my iPhone is working as well.
On my laptop it says that I'm connected to my network.
However, when I try to open up Chrome or Firefox, it won't connect to any pages.

Chrome keeps saying that DNS server isn't available.

Does anyone know hwo to help?

How to clean iPhone to put in LifeProof case?

Every time I put my iPhone into the LifeProof case there are dust particles and oil spots. I clean it with the cloth that was provided and have even used some cleaning spray for glasses to try and clean the screen, but no matter how many times I try it is never clean. How do I put it in cleanly? Can I take it to the store and have them put it on for me?

How to get my iPhone 5 screen replaced by Apple?

I cracked my iPhone 5 on the sidewalk.
I read on the internet that Apple can replace the screen for cheap.
How much would Apple replace it for?
And my iPhone lags and glitches a lot, would they just swap me for a new iPhone 5?

I cracked my iPhone 5 what should i do?

I have a couple options to choose from.
1. Should i get the screen replace from UbreakIFix for $300
2. Get insurance on it with ATT and get a refurbished iPhone 5 for $200 then sell the cracked one.
3. Sell the cracked iPhone 5 and buy a GS3.
4. Sell my cracked iPhone 5 and buy a blackberry and wait till the iPhone 5S/6 or GS4 Comes out?
5. Keep my cracked iPhone 5 until iPhone 5S/6 or GS3 comes out?

Note: the iPhone 5 is still fully functional, just the crack is so big it bothers me.

ITunes won't load my music library?

I have an HP Laptop and iTunes version 10. My music library is no where to be found and when I try to sync my iPhone I get an error message… Any ideas? I have NOT deleted anything so I'm confused as to where it all went.

Added (1). It won't let me upgrade… Every time I check for an available upgrade then try to do so, it just brings me back to the main itunes screen.

and when I search my computer for itunes all my music and apps show up. How can I get them back in itunes arranged as they were before?

Does the iPhone 4 have facetime?

I'm looking to upgrade my phone (I'm with Verizon) and the only free phone is the iPhone 4. Does it have facetime (or can I get the app for it because it does have a front facing camera)?

Added (1). Ok, I don't want to spend $100 on the 4S just for facetime. Thanks.

Added (2). It just doesn't have siri correct?

What amp should I get for my car?

So here's the deal. I have this deck, http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/pioneer-pioneer-bluetooth-usb-mp3-wma-cd-car-deck-with-ipod-iphone-control-variable-colour-deh-6400bt-deh-6400bt/10190998.aspx?path=74b6400cb6cd970614ace4f923fdea16en02, and 4 of these speakers in my 2002 Suzuki aerio sw, http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/alpine-electronics-alpine-6-1-2-coaxial-car-speaker-sps-610-sps-610/10167593.aspx?path=a517282b99934641cc97b7de682878faen02. The stock tweeters are still in. I want an amp to power all the speakers, so any suggestion? I want to get a sub eventually too, so should I get a 4 channel for the speakers and a mono channel for the sub, or should I just get a 5 or 6 channel now? What other upgrades would I be able to do for the audio system in my car?