IPhone 5 Simple Mobile activation problem

I recently just bought an iPhone 5, and I unlocked the phone using unlockthatphone.com and they said that my iPhone 5 was officially unlocked forever.
Now here is where my problem comes in.
I use Simple Mobile, and when i put my sim card in the iPhone 5 and plug it into Itunes it shows my number and when i look at the iPhone it says No Service.
My question is what is the problem with this?
i got a new nano sim card put it in and everything
what is the problem?
ps i know simple mobile is compatible with iphone 5 and has nano sim cards.

Will my blackberry plan work with a iphone 5?

My blackberry has unlimted data, and i'm gonna cut the sim to size and everything, and yes i'm buying a unlocked iphone 5, but all i'm wondering is that will the plan still work in the iphone.

Added (1). I have tmobile

Good strong case for iPhone 5?

I'm looking for a strong, durable case for the iPhone 5. I need the case for my mom… Who is always dropping her phone lol. She cracked the screen on her old iphone. So far, she has the otterbox defender case for her phone, but its a bit to bulky, and adds way too much weight on the phone… Plus it doesn't really look that nice.
So… Any other cases you people know of that are protective and strong, but not to big and bulky?

What to bring on a field trip?

We're going to a courthouse all day. Exciting right? Anyways I want to listen to music on the way there but I have no idea if I should bring my phone. By the way I'm going to be wearing a pencil skirt and I have a iPhone so how do I keep it hidden.

Why won't my iphone connect to my home Wi-Fi? - 1

I have an iphone and its been connecting fine but lately it has sometimes disconnected from my Wi-Fi but i could go to the settings and reconnect again but now it stays permanetely on 3g network and when i go to setting is doesn't even show my Wi-Fi even when it is know nor will it connect when i type it in right but on my ipad its on the same Wi-Fi please help

How should I start learning Objective-C?

I want to learn Objective-C so that I can program iPhone apps (maybe get a little extra money alongside my minimum wage). I'm currently in a Computer Programming class, we're learning Visual Basic at the moment, and we're moving on to Python very shortly. Are there any good websites that have some basic tutorials? I just want to learn some basic stuff at first, like maybe making a calculator.