My iphone is diabled for 6 million minutes? What to do?

Okay so its an iphone 3 or 3s because its in the shape of an ipod not squared like the iphone 4. I won the iphone and when i turned it on it said that you have to activate it and that it was disabled for 6 million minutes i don't know what to please!

Added (1). I already did connect it to itunes
and it said it didn't want to recognize it cause it has a passcode lock on it

App that tells you total price of items?

Is there any iphone app that for example you walk in to grocery store and you put the item price in the app and it tells you how much it will come out to with tax? Just curious.

IPhone 5 not receiving messages or calls?

I just got a brand new IPhone 5 less than a month ago. My friend told me she had sent me several text messages yesterday, which I never received. She also called me and said it went straight to voicemail, but my phone was on. She left a voicemail but I don't see that on my phone either. She was also using an IPhone 5.

Besides that, in the upper left corner it says "searching… " And when I go to change the phone options in settings it says "no SIM" and won't let me select that page. I never damaged or dropped my phone in anyway, and it was working before so I have no idea why this is going on. Also my carrier is Verizon.

Going from a blackberry to iphone?

I currently have a blackberry bold 9900 that I got a little less than a year ago. I'm with telus and I have a 3year plan that I agreed to. My plan is unlimited social networking, Wi-Fi, bbm, unlimited texting and 200 minutes a month + unlimited after 6pm. I really want to upgrade to an iphone 5 but i'm not sure if I would be able to or if it would cost an extreme amount of money. I wouldnt want to cancel my plan or get out of it but i would like to switch phones.anyone with experience or knowledge?

About Verizon cancellation fees?

I was just wondering all that entailed this; I want to get my girlfriend an iPhone 5 for her birthday but she just got a Basic Phone 6 months ago. What all would I have to do to replace that basic phone with the iPhone? Early cancellation? Please list everything I'd need to do, thanks.

How to turn an iPod touch into an iphone?

I have an iPod touch, as you can tell, and I was wondering is it Possible to turn it into an iPhone if it isn't possible I atleast want it to look like an iPhone with the same apps!

How Come My Iphone Doesn't Connect To The Internet without Wi-Fi?

I have a iphone4 6.0.1. I recently flashed it at tennessee wireless to cricket, and went in cricket and paid the bill, everything was working. My phone turned off and now cydia, safari, internet, mail, facebook only works with Wi-Fi. I try to get online it says cellular data network not activated. Tennessee wireless says that they will charge 35 to do a tethered jailbreak again, but i can't turn it off. NEED Help DON't WANT TO KEEP SPENDING 35 WHEN MY BATTERY DIES. I already tried snowbreeze, and redsnow, no help!

Bongo text messaging service?

Lately I've seen people texting 'bongo' their name and the town they live in and I tried this but it doesn't send. I have an iPhone 4S and I put my full name and the town and it starts to send but then it says 'Not Delivered' does anyone know why?