Does The White iPhone 5 Need A Case?
I Have A Black iPhone 5, And I KNOW It Needs A Case Because The Black Part Scratches Off The Aluminum, What About The White? Does It Need One?
I Have A Black iPhone 5, And I KNOW It Needs A Case Because The Black Part Scratches Off The Aluminum, What About The White? Does It Need One?
My family got the family plan and such and we have 6gb for the 3 of us, so we can have 2gb a month give or take a few mb or whatever, but about how many hours do you think would it be, to use up my 2gb? I'm just wondering because I don't want to unknowingly go over my 2gb and use up my sisters or whatever.
I really want to get either the Samsung Galaxy S III or iPhone 5 on either AT&T or Verizon. I noticed that when you get a Mobile Share/Share Everything plan, the hotspot feature is free. Does using it still come out of your data amount, or is it unlimited?
I'm paying $30 for my iphone 4 every month which has 300mb data plan. I'm planning to downgrade it. I want to know if the cheapest data plan in At&t. I live in sterling VA. How much will I pay for monthly?
I'm thinking about buying one and how many GB should i get
I created a group message on my iphone 4 so is there any way i can delete the group
This is sony's answer to iphone 5 and Galaxy S3 but is it good enough?
I'm looking to purchase an iphone off of ebay, craigslist, or from a friend, and I want to use it on the Straight Talk plan. I understand that I have to order a sim card from the ST website, but I'm confused if I have to get a phone that is unlocked or not… Can I buy a phone that isn't unlocked and still make it work? If someone could help with this, that would be awesome!
I jut got my iPhone and I only have fruit ninja, temple run, cut the rope, tap tap revenge, and where's my water