Does The White iPhone 5 Need A Case?

I Have A Black iPhone 5, And I KNOW It Needs A Case Because The Black Part Scratches Off The Aluminum, What About The White? Does It Need One?

How many hours on an iPhone would use up 2 gigabytes of data?

My family got the family plan and such and we have 6gb for the 3 of us, so we can have 2gb a month give or take a few mb or whatever, but about how many hours do you think would it be, to use up my 2gb? I'm just wondering because I don't want to unknowingly go over my 2gb and use up my sisters or whatever.

What does having mobile hotspot on a shared data plan mean?

I really want to get either the Samsung Galaxy S III or iPhone 5 on either AT&T or Verizon. I noticed that when you get a Mobile Share/Share Everything plan, the hotspot feature is free. Does using it still come out of your data amount, or is it unlimited?

Cheapest data plan for iPhone 4? (At&t)?

I'm paying $30 for my iphone 4 every month which has 300mb data plan. I'm planning to downgrade it. I want to know if the cheapest data plan in At&t. I live in sterling VA. How much will I pay for monthly?

Iphone 4s onto Straight Talk?

I'm looking to purchase an iphone off of ebay, craigslist, or from a friend, and I want to use it on the Straight Talk plan. I understand that I have to order a sim card from the ST website, but I'm confused if I have to get a phone that is unlocked or not… Can I buy a phone that isn't unlocked and still make it work? If someone could help with this, that would be awesome!