How many gb iphone 5 should i get?
I'm getting a iphone 5. I don't know how much gb i should get. It will have 800 pictures, 300 songs, 20 apps
I'm getting a iphone 5. I don't know how much gb i should get. It will have 800 pictures, 300 songs, 20 apps
Ow do i factory restore my iphone, with out a power button? The power button is jammed, and i forgot my password.
I want to change my iphone keyboard layout to something like this.
Is there any apps that will do this? I have downloaded keyboard apps before and they work great for adding smilys but i want to change the actual layout of it.
I mean little kids as young as 5 years old. It really does annoy me because they are little and don't need a really expensive phone just for emergencies. I always see them on the phones and ipods. My brother is almost in middle school and has the cheapest phone. And i'm in highschool and my phone is nowhere near the expesive phones the elementary kids have infact my phone is used so i got for free.
Ok so my iPhone my computer and Xbox can't accesses the Internet but everyone else's stuff can accesses it why is that? I tried rebooting already.
I have not updated my MacBook to iOS x.iTunes used to be able to sync my iCal calendars to my iPhone. With the latest version of iTunes, it seems as though the sync happens between calendars on my phone and iCloud -- not iCal. Is it necessary to upgrade now to allow the sync?
All the games, contacts, photos etc.
Can it support the hpsa+ not LTE, if not will tmobile make it compatible or will 3G be the most we get
I got my iPhone today at Roger's and I set it up, put my sim card in it, and set it up with iTunes. Yet, it still says "no service" and it also says my sim card is not provisionised. I need my phone by tomorrow morning so Please Help!
I use Virgin Mobile (and love it!) I just noticed that they are carrying the iphone 4 now! I have the Optimus Elite, and want the iphone 4. But I don't want to pay $350 for one. Can I purchase an Unlocked iphone and call virgin mobile or go online and switch my number and plan to the iphone? Or would they know that I did not purchase it from them? How do you even know if an iphone is unlocked? When meeting to purchase from someone?
Added (1). Two totally polar opposite answers! I don't see how ONLY VM phones will work with VM. Because VM can't go into the iphone and add or change anything, hence it is owned by apple. So if one is unlocked, it isn't linked to any carrier.