How to find my apple iphone?
Is there anyway i can locate my iphone 4 via computer? I have the find iphone app, but i guess i didn't set up an iCloud account so i can't get access. Any ideas?
Is there anyway i can locate my iphone 4 via computer? I have the find iphone app, but i guess i didn't set up an iCloud account so i can't get access. Any ideas?
Which one works better Iphones or Androids, and doesn't freeze up, i'm upgrading my phone today and i would like to know which one to get
and which model
Anyone know anyone that supply iphone 4 screens at wholesale prices?
I'm looking to sell both my iphone 4 and 4s without it being an unreasonable price, i just need an opinion on how much and where i should sell it. I was thinking 50$ less than the retail price. And keep in mind that both are in mint condition its as if theyve never been used.
For the Iphone 4S
I bought an iphone 4s from ebay. I don't have a sim card or any paper work.
how can i unblock it. The shop asked for a receipt or contract paper.
it was contracted to 3.
I currently have an lg rumor touch but my best friend is giving me her old iPhone 4. My lg rumor is just a basic phone (not a smart phone) so I was wondering if that SIM card would work with the iPhone. I'm not switching carriers or anything though. Would I have to do something to the SIM card in order to activate the phone? Please help
Added (1). Also, would the iphone not have certain features because i'm using the SIM card from a basic phone?
I got an iPhone for christmas and i don't know how to transfer the music from my itouch to my iPhone.itunes won't let me and i have different music on my ipod from what's on my iTunes. "music rescue" won't work on my computer so i need another application or something!
I have an iPhone and I installed the starbucks mobile app. I put $15 on my card, and I built a drink. Can I use the app to order, like just show the barista the drink on my phone and they will know what to do? Or do I have to tell them what I want and then just pay using passbook?
I have been reading reviews on iPhone 5 and how it's not the people's choice smartphone. So what one is better?