Dropped iphone 4 in the bath?

I just dropped my SECOND iphone 4 in the bath, it was turned off and i took it out in about 1 second and it was submerged for less than a second. I blow dryed it on a cold setting and shook and and put it in an air tight thing of rice for about two hours in a warm place. I just connected it to the computer and it shows up in itunes and makes sound when i plug it to charge. We also rang it and it rings but the screen stays black. Like everything works even the touchscreen but it stays completely black.

Why won't my iPhone send iMessages?

I have an iPhone 4S and my friend has the 5. She kept the same sim, so when she got her 5, the old messages from her blackberry weren't deleted. But now, our messages aren't sent through iMessage and its really annoying. Any ideas how this could be put right? All my other friends that I message are sent on iMessage, just not her.

Iphone app that is like kik?

I got a message saying that kik is gonna start charging if you're inactive, so i deleted my account.
The problem is other apps like whatsapp n viber require phone nos to communicate with people whereas you just needed to know the person's username in kik.
So are there apps like kik which do not require phone nos to communicate with people (except skype, facebook, twitter)

Why doesn't the facebook app load on the Iphone?

So basically we just updated the facebook app, and now it won't load? Like everything else works apart from that? We deleted it like 5 times and re downloaded it. We have an Iphone 4s, it just won't load! :/

Which is the Most clearest IPhone 5 Screen Protector?

I need a screen protector for my IPhone 5 and i need help choosing one. I would prefer it if it was clear as possible and i don't want finger prints on it either. As if the screen protector wasn't even on, a screen protector just like the original cover you have on the phone once you just got it out of the box.

Is it important to use an apple charger?

I lost my apple charger for the iphone, and i got one that i bought from dealextreme that do charge the iphone, yet i fear that it can ruin it.
does it really matter?