Population maintained for millenia, 1 billion, late 1800s - 2012, increase of 6 billion, 7 billion, around about the same time technology went through the roof. It takes 9 months to be born, roughly, 1 second to die, yet there are 2 born for every 1 death, everyday. All these iPhones, ''Medical advances'', people living for the average of 80 years in western countries, yet this life we live is barely sustainable for the time it takes a rock to gather moss. All those ''dumb'' apes such as neandethals who were playing with sticks and stones were around for 100's of 1000's of years, homo-erectus 1.8 million years. How do you measure intelligence, all these flying objects and medicine? Yet this era of technological age will be the shortest lived of any era of human, historians will look back on this time as a time of folly and ridicule. Or do you really believe playing with a touch screen and living to 80 is really more important then an extensive survival span of a species, even super-powers today have to kill newborn children to keep down their population, it's a joke, not to mention Reality-TV.
What has caused this age of folly? Facebook, twitter, I hardly doubt any Da vincis or Van Goghs will emerge from this era of Kim Kardashian and Justin Bieber, I laugh.
Why? How?
Added (1). Katie; I appreciate your response however that was more an opinion on me as opposed to the question and the problems us as humans face today, this isn't about me, or you. It's the human race.
Added (2). I think your answer proves my point, Marty. You would rather target me then answer the question at hand. I also find pseudo-intellectualism to have no real place in a problem concerning sustainability of the human planet and super-powers killing newborn, it's easily obtainable facts.www.google.com
Added (3). BytemyAss, that's a more derogatory point of view towards the humans but make a good point, most the problems we face we're the problems we caused. Catch-22