Iphone 5 for sprint? How much?

My brother has his own separate plan from our family. He has an iphone 5 so i'm assuming he probably pays a lot per month. If he were to get me an iphone 5 added to his plan, would it be an additional $10 or would he also have to pay like the same prince per month for his phone?

Why won't my iPhone 4 send pictures on iMessage?

It's a new iPhone and it won't send pictures for some reason. It said "not delivered when j try to send pictures". Can someone do a step by step process with me? Like send me everything I have to do?

Videos won't work on DramaFever

I try to watch a drama on DramaFever on my iPhone and it won't load up the video. I looked on the reviews and some people said that that were having the same issue. How can I fix it in order to load up the video?

Just got a new iPhone 4, no service?

I turned it on and tried to set it up, but it says "no service" where the signal should be even though my sim card is new (only got it today) it only gives me the Wi-Fi option or the iTunes option. I don't know what to do, I can't reset the settings because the phone hasn't been used yet so it's not activated?

How much will it cost me to return an Amazon item with Royal Mail?

Basically, I bought a BlackBerry case for a friend of mine for Christmas but he bought an iPhone so I no longer need it. I have printed everything off and it is in the original packaging. I'm just wondering how much it will cost to return it. Also, can I put a stamp on it so I can just post it via a post box?

Where do i find my TV Shows on my iPhone 3GS?

I purchased, downloaded, applied, and synced 4 TV Shows, but they won't appear ANYWHERE on my iPhone 3GS! I've checked videos and i still can;t find it them? Can anyone help or give me advice?

How to stop iCloud from constantly syncing?

I noticed yesterday that many songs from my iTunes keep getting loaded onto my iPhone, and on the phone and in iTunes they both have the iCloud cloud next to them. However, I never even set up an iCloud account and under settings in my phone, it says iCloud is turned off for all of the functions it lists.

How do I stop my phone and iTunes from constantly syncing?

Power surge while iPhone was charging, now it won't turn on?

We had a power surge during the snow storm while my iPhone 4S was plugged into its wall charger, at about 50% charged. Now the phone will not turn on, will not hard reset (holding home and power) and will not restore (holding down home key then plugging it into the computer). Could the surge have caused this or is there some other issue?

I think it's appropriate to mention that about 2 months ago it got a little wet, but I did the rice thing and it's never caused problems. It can't have been because of that, could it? I'm still under warranty (not AppleCare+), but with the phone jack water damage thing being pink, I'm not sure they'll do anything. Does the damage color thing record when it happened so they will know I'm not just trying to gyp them into doing a free repair?