What should I do so that my iphone connects to known Wi-Fi automatically?

So recently I reset my network settings as someone said that I should do that to lose a problem (my phone was giving me two text alerts when I've only received one. Yes I checked the notifier already which I put to never) so that problem is solved but now everytime I get home, I have to key back in my Wi-Fi password whereas last time it would automatically connect. I've been resetting my network settings a few times but nothing has changed.

How to stop iTunes downloading a tv show?

Recently, I accidentally started downloading an episode of a tv show on to my iPhone 4S from iTunes. A few minutes into the download, I realised it was the wrong episode, but can't seem to stop the download. The episodes take up space, and the download is currently paused, so is there anyway I can stop it downloading? I understand its unlikely I'll be able to get my money back, but if you could tell me how to stop the download completely, it would be much appreciated

Pros and cons of jailbreaking?

I'm thinking of jailbreaking my iPhone, but am scared that it might mess up my phone altogether. What are some pros and cons of jailbreaking?

If I update my unlocked and jail broken iPhone 3G will it mess it up?

It's unlocked so I use my t-mobile chip so I don't want to take the unlock off at all this is my only phone and I don't have money to get it unlocked again. But I can't download any apps because my firmware is out of date. What happens if I update it? Will it just take my jail break off or both

How to a full factory reset on the Iphone 3gs?

My iphone 3gs, i've had for a few months now is having a few problems, it keeps turning off randomly just listening to music or if i'm playing on an App. I asked what i should do at the O2 shop, they said try getting it back to factory settings? So, my question is, how do i get it to factory Settings and any idea what this problem is?

Daily Mail website is not working properly for me?

Http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html I don't know if anyone else is having this problem… It may appear normally to you but for me it's appearing like this:


On the second image, I zoomed it out slightly, so you could see more of it,

It never used to do this, just started last week, see how it's all presented differently, how do I fix this? My iPhone loads it as normal too… I just noticed along the botom it says "Done but with errors on page"