How to get rid of iPhone text timestamp?

I want to get rid of the timestamps that show up sometimes on text messages for my iPhone 4S.
The ones that show up on my end, so when I take a screencap, there's no timestamp.

First correct answer gets picked as best.

How much does it cost to fix an iPhone 4s and repair it?

I have an iPhone 4 and i don't have any insurance for it or none of that. And the screen is broken and the iPhone itself is kinda effed up. I'm wondering does anyone know how much does it cost to basically repair the iPhone4? Also its a black iPhone. I'm trying to change its cover to a different color how much does that also cost?

Why won't my email work on my iphone 4?

I have a google email, and every time i go onto my email on my iphone, new emails have loaded, but when i click on them it will show me the page with who its from and what the title is, but where the words in the email should be, it is just white. It won't load no matter how long i wait.

Can I get free 3G or Wi-Fi without a plan?

I have an iPhone 4S from Telus and lately our home modem has been acting up and nobody cares to fix it because there too stupid an lazy to buy a new modem or switch from shaw to Telus like I told them too lol

Anyways I heard about these Mifi modems you can get and there small square shapes modems and allow your own personal Wi-Fi hotspot anywhere! But I don't know where to go to buy one?

Anybody know of any good hotspot devices out there? That you buy online? Or in stores? But not the ones you pay monthly for because that would defeat the purpose of my question duh.

Should I buy the iPhone 4 or keep my iPod Touch 4G?

Either way I'm in an extremely fortunate situation, I'm aware.

My phone recently completely fell apart because someone sat on it when I got up for a moment. I need a new phone, basically.

I was looking into the iPhone 4 because I can afford it and, on my plan, it is only $20 more than I'm paying now per month for a data package. I would then, if I were to buy the phone, donate my iPod Touch or sell it on eBay.

I'm currently in the process of convincing my parents to let me buy the phone. I already told them I would purchase it online and pay the $20 every month to them for the bill. If anything happened to it, I'm fully aware that it would be my fault and there would be no warranty (that being said, I wouldn't let anything happen to it).

Should I keep up this battle with them to get the iPhone 4 or should I just work on getting a replacement phone? I've really wanted an iPhone since they first came out (I'm also aware that the iPhone is an extra expense that I do not really NEED as much as WANT).

MacBook goes to sleep mode when iPhone placed in one spot?

I noticed a few months ago that every time that I place my iPhone 5 on the space to the left of my MacBook track pad, it automatically shuts off all connections to my MacBook, and the laptop goes into sleep mode. I'm wondering if anyone knows why, or if this has happened to anyone else. I just find it really weird since I have no other problems with the MacBook or the iPhone.

P.S. - This did not happen with my iPhone 4

How to fix my iPhone camera?

Recently my camera on my iphone 4 has been messing up. I know I didn't do anything to it because I just used it the other morning and it was perfectly fine. A lot of times the shutter won't open and when it does its just a black screen. Also, when I try to turn it to the front camera it just freezes and then shuts off. I've tried turning it off and back on. If anyone has any idea on how to fix it please let me know.