Either way I'm in an extremely fortunate situation, I'm aware.
My phone recently completely fell apart because someone sat on it when I got up for a moment. I need a new phone, basically.
I was looking into the iPhone 4 because I can afford it and, on my plan, it is only $20 more than I'm paying now per month for a data package. I would then, if I were to buy the phone, donate my iPod Touch or sell it on eBay.
I'm currently in the process of convincing my parents to let me buy the phone. I already told them I would purchase it online and pay the $20 every month to them for the bill. If anything happened to it, I'm fully aware that it would be my fault and there would be no warranty (that being said, I wouldn't let anything happen to it).
Should I keep up this battle with them to get the iPhone 4 or should I just work on getting a replacement phone? I've really wanted an iPhone since they first came out (I'm also aware that the iPhone is an extra expense that I do not really NEED as much as WANT).