Iphone app that lets you see when someone read your txt you sent them?

I know there's a feature on the iphone that you can turn off/on that shows someone that you read their text they sent you.Obviously everyone has caught on to this feature and turned it off so its rare your able to see if the person read the text you sent them… I'm curious is there an app i can download that will show me if the person i sent a text msg to has read/opened it, not just delievered… There has to be, there's an app for everything else… Thank you

Flying to a different state to meet someone you me online?

Have you done it? How did it go? How long did you know them before meeting?

My situation: I met this girl on an iPhone app that had nothing to do with dating or even really making friends. She messaged me we just chatted and three years later we still text all the time. She's 22 I'm 24, I want to meet her and she says she's okay with me visiting but never seems like she's thrilled at the thought.

Not really sure what to do.

What does this mean on the Find my Iphone app?

I got my new ipod stolen /: so i was on my old one trying to see if i could track it down. My name is amy and as soon as i oped up the app and signed in, there were two sections. One said "amy's ipod" wich was the one i'm using right now. And the other one said "desi's ipod" and i was like what the heck? Did this person who has my ipod change my ipod name? This might be a stupid question but i've never really used this tracking app before.

Should I get Xbox 360 or iPhone 5?

I can get either one of these two electronics. Should i get an Xbox 360? Keep in mind that the next-gen Xbox is coming out holiday season of 2013. I already have a PS3 with many games. Or should i get an iPhone 5 that will last me until the iPhone 6?

How to reduce the Other data on my Iphone 4?

I have already researched and tried to find out ways to reduce it. The only solution I found was to restore my iphone, but that didn't work. I have an 16gb iphone 4. The Other data is taking up 2.30gb and I would really like to lower that.

Can i keep movies on my iphone without having to keep them on my computer?

So I recently added 20 movies on my iTunes to transfer on my Iphone 5.

Worked great and i'm loving the movies but i'm trying to conserve HardDisk Space on my MacBookPro, and these 20 movies are absorbing 32 gigs.
i want them to go bye bye.

i also own a 500gig Passport External drive. Can i store the movies in there? 0.o
that would be awesome because i'll shove my 23 gigs of music in there too!

Why won't my iPhone send picture messages?

I have an iPhone 4 and every time I try to send pictures it gets to where the sent bar is almost full, then it just stops and won't send. What do I do? I've tried restarting my phone and it didn't do anything.

Added (1). It is on my plan though. I just sent a picture message yesterday but now it's f*cking up.

Why is my iPhone Wi-Fi so slow?

Ok, so my brother has an IPhone and his iPhone is lightning fast, and we have the exact same model and it's not the router, it's one of the best ones and I made sure all my apps were cancelled out. I can't even watch a YouTube video for 3 seconds, please help