How to delete contact from iPhone THEY don't go away?

When i start to type a text message to a contact my iPhone 5 still shows contacts that i have deleted from my "Contacts" app and my iCloud.

Say the name Carly, I type in Ca… And the contact remains in the text message selection drop down box. Despite my deleting it because i want nothing to do with this person.

What do they sell in Chinatown NYC?

I'm going on a bus trip to New York soon and while we're there we're stopping in Chinatown. I know this place is known for knock off stuff like uggs and fancy jewelry and such. I wanted to know if they sell any knock off Apple products there like iPods or iPhones or Apple Macs. Also if they sell any good quality cameras. If you know of any other electronics that they may sell in Chinatown please let me know as well=) Also, if they have any anime stores with movies and books and such of anime series or mangas.

Does the Elgato Game Capture HD record MAC/PC gameplay?

I'm getting the Elgato Game Capture HD within the month, and I want to know what it can record from. I already know it can record gameplay from the PS3, XBOX 360, IPAD, and IPHONE, but I what I don't know is if it can record my gameplay on my Macbook. Gameplay like The Sims 3 or Diablo 3, games that I'm playing ON my mac, not putting the footage onto it.

Added (1). I know I could get a capture card to record that gameplay or a program like Fraps, but I don't want to spend more than I have to. Btw, the Game Capture isn't a capture card. It's meant for the PS3 and XBOX, that's why I'm getting it. I just want to know if it can also record footage from my laptop.

Is T-Mobile's network any good?

Would it work with the unlocked iPhone 5. Or nexus 4? Or should I just stick with Verizon. The main reason I want to switch is it's cheaper, and Verizon has screwed me so many times in the past with their nickel and diming, and constantly trying to make me switch from my old unlimited plan. So is T-Mobile any good?

Does your iphone 5 have the ghost effect when you press on the screen?

If you don't know, the ghost effect is when you press the screen with a moderate amount of pressure and it ripples somewhere in the screen. I KNOW it's an lcd screen. Does your iphone ripple with enough small pressure or alot of pressure and do you use your thumb or your index finger?