Iphone 5 replacement screen repair?

I shattered my iphone 5 screen, however, it still works fine. I looked online for replacements and found from $100+ repairs. I also found a $15 iPhone 5 Front Screen Glass Lens Replacement that i could do myself. I'm wondering if i buy that and repair manually, will it still work with the touch feature or will i need to buy the lcd display aswell even though i didn't break that feature?

Can 3 different users use spotify premium?

I currently have zune and 3 different people can use the service for $10/month. Can you do the same with spotify premium? In other words, I want to share the $10 a month with another person to get the unlimited music on my iphone, is this possible? Or can only 1 other person use it?

Added (1). I want to share it with my brother so pw and username sharing won't be an issue

How to make an iphone 4 work on T mobile?

I plan on purchasing an unlocked iPhone 4 to use with T Mobile. What is the exact plan I'd need to have in order for the phone to work perfectly? Also, does the phone also need to be jailbroken?

Switching your iphone from sprint to verizon?

I have an iphone with sprint but i stopped using their service. Can you use your iphone from sprint and switch over to verizon? I've heard you can from some and can't from others. Is there a way to legally do this?

How to find a sim number on a nano sim

So i have recently bought and iPhone and I have to activate my sim but I can't work out were the sim number is? It's not on the back, and there's a number that sounds like it but its on 20 digits and should he 24?

Can i transfer Objective-c program from pc to mac?

I only made some very simple c++ programs so Sorry if these questions are stupid.

1) Can i make a game on my pc with objective-c only (without xcode for example)?
2) Is there something that can replace the xcode & interference builder for pc (the things i can only download if i have a mac)?
3) I don't have a mac so i want to know If i make a game on my pc can i transfer it later to a mac then iPhone?
4) Can developing apps and games be enough to be my only source of money?
5) If i make an app with Objective-c will it be compatible with the other androids (Samsung galaxy s3 for example) too?
6) I can upload apps to apple from Egypt but i can't upload them to android market?

How long does it take my package to arrive?

So my mom is sending me and my sister Iphones for are birthday/chrismas she lives in arkansas and I live in Texas about 1, 050 miles away. I think it was sent on Friday I don't know the tracking number or anything like the weight but Its 12:06 and Tuesday should I be expectting the package today?