Will I lose my Apps if I sync my iPhone?

I just got a new computer and for about 2 years I have been using my mom's computer. Now I want to sync my apps onto my new computer but I don't want to lose my apps. When I plug-in my iPhone into my computer it says 'Erase and Sync' or 'Cancel' but there isn't any 'Transfer Purchase'. What do I do? Can someone please answer as soon as possible.

How long do apple ELECTRONIC gift cards usually take to get delivered?

I'm looking to buy my sister an iphone 5 for her birthday but am away from college across the country, i know that the website says within 24 hours, but I wanted her to get the apple gift card (So she could get her iphone 5) in less than 4 hours today, has anyone ever used it and gotten it right away!

How to found out if the area I live in is 4G capable?

I heard that certain areas are 4G capable only and if you don't live in that area, and get a 4G phone, you'll have tons of problems.
I'm wanting a new phone and I DON'T want an iPhone. I want to try an Android for the first time!

Can't find a way to log out of my mail on my IPhone?

I went to Settings>Mail, Contacts, Calendars>and anywhere after that there are no log out/off buttons or delete user, I tried erasing the password but its still log in its like the terminator never going away!

How to update iphone 3gs to ios 5.1.1? - 1

My iphone 3gs is on ios 4.1, I wanted to update to ios 5.1.1 but everytime I want to update with preserved baseband with redsn0w, and tried shift + restore to update but error 3194 pops up and I tried adding: gs.apple.com gs.apple.com
to hosts file but nothing changed, I appreciate your answers…


Added (1). But i don't wanna update to ios 6.0.1

Added (2). @Tyler, oh really? U sure?

Buying iPhone 5/ 4s in the US and using it in the middle east?

I have a friend who's flying to US for a short while and wanted to get an iphone 4s/5 down from there as it is much cheaper than buying it from where I live in the middle east. I know I'll need one that's factory unlocked, but would there be any other factors against bringing an iphone in from the US? Also what would be the best place to get one (no contract) in the US?