Can you use hotspots or netflix on your tv

I want to get netflix, but we don't have Wi-Fi and I have no idea how to get it! Would anyone be able to give me advice on how to? Or, is it possible to get some sort of plan for my hotspot on my iPhone to get it to connect to the tv? Why would you say is the easiest way! I don't live in town or anything so I can't use anyone else's!

How to charge a new Iphone 5?

So i just got. The new iphone 5, it had 55% and i used it down to like 28 percent then pluged it in and charged it to 100 so i heard you are supposed to drain it to 1% first then chargeit so did i do it wrong and if so how do i fix it

Transfer game data from ipad to iphone?

So i have this game called "Cytus" on my iPad and iPhone, however i only keep playing it on my iPad, so i have all my high scores and etc there. Problem is, next week i'm getting rid of my ipad, so how can i transfer my Cytus save file from my iPad to my iPhone?

i have used iExplorer, but i do not know which files to copy and where it is. Does anyone know where the save files for this game are located?

How to put my Itunes music on my Iphone 5?

I've been in blackberry world for the past 4 years so this whole iphone thing is extremely new to me! I'm a bit apple-product- incompetent to say the least haha. I was wondering if it's possible to put my music from my itunes onto my Iphone 5. If so, how! I have a macbook, if that's any important information? Haha thank you!

How to connect a bluetooth speaker to a pc?

I have the Auvio portable bluetooth speaker that connected easily and quickly to 2 other iphones, but will not play music or any noise when I connect it by bluetooth to my laptop. When I paired it, it recognized it as a headset and downloaded all the drivers and whatnot. But it won't play anything…
Please help me out! Other than that it's a fantastic speaker that works great.

Here's the product page:

And if this helps, I have the Alienware m11x r3

How to connect to the internet on iPhone without any data plan and Wi-Fi?

I purchased an unlocked iPhone 5 without any data plan because I will be leaving the UK soon. Even though I'm well aware that using data without any plan can be harsh (I know from my prior experience with my Nokia phone), I want to be "able" to use it on my own discretion and peril in case of urgent situations such as looking for something specific on Safari etc.

However, none of the Apps, regardless of whether they have been created by Apple or third parties, allow me to connect to the internet, unless I'm on Wi-Fi.

I guess Apple imposes its users to be on a data plan to protect them from exorbitant charges when they connect to the internet via cellular connection instead of Wi-Fi. But this does not make sense. As a responsible adult I know what I would be using internet for (only urgent situations) and it is none of Apple's business how much my operator charges me.So, I hope, there must be a walkaround for this. If there's, Please share with me. Otherwise I would be using an incredible phone to its lowest potential until I leave the country.

Talking and texting on an iphone?

Is it possible for me to go to radio shack or bestbuy, get a refurbished iphone4, and then just use an app such as pinger for calling and texting? I really want an iphone, but I don't want to be sucked into a 2year or monthly contract.