I put my old phones sim into iphone 3?

I had a motarola phone, and was on a contract and had all the things like 3g, texts, minuets. Then i was given an iphone 3 and i put my sim into it and texting, phoning all those functions don't work and it still thinks i'm the user who had the phone before - how can i fix this?

Why won't iTunes sync to my iPhone? - 1

I copied my whole itunes folder to an external drive as id run out of space on my PC. I then changed the location of the folder on iTunes through preferrances, but it gave me a warning which i just pressed no/cancel to without reading it, but i didn't realise that then it had not saved the new folder location. When i deleted the original folder, everything dissappeared from itunes meaning i had to reload everything from the new, moved, itunes folder. This wasn't a problem, except it had lost all memory of playlists and play counts etc. But now, when i try and sync my phone, it tells me there's not enough space on the phone as it must be trying to add all of the music from itunes to the phone as well as what is already on the phone.

Is there a way to upload everything from the phone to itunes, including play counts and playlists?

if not…

How do i just sync my phone to itunes without having to reset the phone and losing photographs, and without itunes trying to add everything twice?

Last question, why do Apple want to make this so difficult for me? What is wrong with plane old 'click and drag'?

What's the cheapest carrier for Iphone?

Well, my parents are thinking in buying the Iphone 4 for the 3 of us. But they want unlimited texting and calling. We right now have Metro PCS, and it sucks. Right now, they pay 2 androids and 1 basic phone for $130.So, what carrier should we move to for unlimited texting and calling Iphone?

My Asus Transformer is not charging?

A few months back my Asus transformer stopped showing the charging signal when I plugged it in to charge. So where the battery symbol was on the transformer screen, it was not recognizing that it was charging; basically, not showing the lightning bolt sign. However, it still did charge, but very slowly, like taking 2 days to fully charge. But yesterday it stopped charging at all. Now it is dead and I still don't know what's going on. When I tried using the USB 3 port to charge, it didn't work either, and when I used an iPhone charger brick but with the transformer cable, it didn't work. I do not know if it is the transformer, or the charger, or even the battery. Can someone please tell me which one is faulty?

Added (1). It's a tablet.

My iPhone 3 Can't Download Certain Apps?

Whenever I download certains apps such as the facebook app, temple run & Jetpack Joyride it says "This App Requires iOS 4.3." How Can I Fix This Or Is It Unresolvable?

Light on my iphone won't turn off?

The light on my iphone doesn't turn off when i'm on the phone. I've turned it off several times and the problem persists, how can i fix this?

Anyone else sick of hearing about 90's kids?

Okay, i was born in 1998 so i'm a "00's kids" and i'm So sick of hearing about the 90's kids. I'm not jealous or anything, but they act like they were a kid in the 1930's. Seriously, you weren't born that long ago, it was only about 20 years ago. And also, they completely TRASH kids of this generation. They say like "When i was a kid i played outside instead of on an iphone." "When i was a kid the only entertainment i had was a tamagotchi" or SOMETHING like that. And it's So annoying. Kids these days the 00's babies and 10's kids play outside EVERYDAY. Literally, when i look out my window i always see kids on their scooter or having a water fight or something. Kids are kids. They still have wide imaginations, you can't change that. Sure, there are new ways to have fun like ipods and computers, but that's not the ONLY thing they do. And also, you are being a hypocrite if you say they always play on their ipods and stuff, because then you go and say you had better tv shows than us and that you looovedd watching tv all the time.So, seriously. Stop being completely ignorant and trashing CHILDREN.