I don't know what to choose, iphone 5 or ipad mini?

Ok so i was going to get the iphone 4 and the mini because its free now that the 5 is out but I saw this video on youtube and i realised that i will be stuck with it for 2 years so i don't want a 4 year old phone. You know? But i really want the mini too and my computer is kinda breaking. I only have money for 1:( thanks for your time… Have a great day!

How to make it so you can't take a picture on lockscreen on iphone 4?

I have a iphone 4 and i have a lock on my phone. And when its on the lock screen you can be able to take pictures while its locked. My lil sisters keep taking pictures on my phone and its annoying. Can you make it so you CAN't take a picture when your phone is lock on the lock screen. If you can… Could you please tell me?

What are some cool / free aps?

I'm getting an iPhone really soon, and I was wondering, what are some cool aps I can get that are free? My list includes Angry Birds, Temple Run, Fatify/Oldify, and that Gangnam Style game. I know, weird list, but can you guys list some cool stuff?

Why can't i receive or send pictures on my iphone 4?

I can send and receive regular text messages, but not text messages with pics and videos! Annoying! Please help me. Full stars rewarded if you provide a thorough explanation on this and how to fix it!

Added (1). I have Verizon and it says mms is on

Added (2). And my dads phone, different type of phone, but same plan lets him send and receive pics.

What is the best software to use to jailbreak my iPhone?

I have an iPhone 3GS with iOS 6.0.1.
My warranty is up and I wanna jailbreak it.
I tried limera1n, but it froze & left my iPhone in recovery mode.
Q1: Which jailbreaking software would you most suggest?
Q2: Does it require me to download an IPSW file of the iOS, or can I jailbreak on said software without it?

IPhone 5 won't send or receive picture messages?

I just got a t-mobile iPhone 5 but I'm not able to send or receive any picture messages. I can only send and receive pictures from a couple friends, who also have iPhone 5's. Funny thing is, I have other friends with the new iPhone but the pictures don't work. I tried resetting the settings and restarting the messages app. In the messages section of settings, I have the iMessage and Send as SMS switches on, but the other ones are off. I really don't want to reset my phone after spending an hour and a half transferring data from my old phone. Any help?

Will an unlocked iphone 4S work for tmobile if it isn't factory unlocked?

I want to get an iPhone 4S and my friend has the iPhone 4 unlocked but i'm worried that if i get it non-factory unlocked it won't work. My uncle tried to do it a couple of months ago and apple said that if it was factory unlocked every time the phone shut off or died it would reset. I was just wondering if the same thing would happen if it wasn't factory unlocked?

Added (1). So if I get it unlocked everytime it will shut off it will reset? That is what i'm worried about.

Why did not restoring in itunes unlock my full priced iphone 5 from AT&T?

I've read in a number of places (like here: http://techcrunch.com/2012/09/26/to-unlock-a-full-price-att-iphone-5-just-restore-it-in-itunes/) that the AT&T IPhone 5 is supposed to be unlocked after a restore in iTunes. I recently purchased the IPhone 5 from at&t for 650 dollars an did not sign up for any contract. The phone is still locked to AT&T though. Exited about the news, I tried this, expecting the usual "Congratulations your iPhone has been unlocked" message from iTunes, but I did not get one… Instead iTunes restored it from a backup of the phone and I was left without the message and a still unlocked phone. (tried putting in a T-Mobile nano sim in there but it did not work) Does anyone know what i did wrong? Why does it work for other people but not me?