Buy A Iphone 5 From Apple Store Online, Retail, Or Verizon?

I'm planning on getting the Iphone 5 for Christmas. But I want to buy it on Black Friday so save as much money as I can. And please Don't tell me to get The Iphone 4s. I know Apple is having a online/Retail Black Friday Sale. They sent me a email but it didn't mention the prices. On Verizon Since I work for the State I get a 19% Discount. I also want to buy a Case the same time I get the Phone. I don't know if the 19% discount is just the monthly plan or is it off everything I get at Verizon. I don't know what would be better. Buying the Phone and case Through Verizon retail store, Verizon Online, Apple Online store, Or Apple Retail Store. If it makes a difference I want the White Iphone 5 16GB. I kinda want to get it As soon as possible and I don't know if I want to have it shipped because it might get damaged. So my question really is where would be a best place to buy the Iphone? And Is the 19% discount only for the monthly plans or off anything I buy at Verizon?

FaceTime isn't working on iPhone 4S?

I've been using FaceTime ever since I got the phone and it worked perfectly fine, but in the past 3 days, everytime I try to FaceTime my friend, it stays on 'connecting… ' For a few minutes then it says "call failed".It's on iOS 6 at the moment. How can I get it to work again?

IPhone 5 and iPad dock together?

I have both and was looking for a dock to comply with both of them simaltaneously, hopefully with speakers. However, after looking, all of them are for the iPhone 4, 4S, etc. Not for the iPhone 5. Anyone know where I can find one?

How long does amazon take to refund your money?

I just order a new iPhone 4S case from amazon and then I cancelled my order 20 minutes later because I found a better case. Amazon already took my money out of my account and I order the item about an hour ago. How soon will I be expecting my money back? And I just checked my balance and the order has been taken off already but I didn't get my refund back.

How to watch movies free on iPhone?

I know it's stupid to ask but I was wanting to watch decent movies like the ones that are in and not long out the Cinemas but can't really afford to buy DVD an stuff so is there anyway to watch them for free on my iPhone?

Can I stop getting condensation in my iPhone screen?

With the cold weather, when I come in from outside to my snuggly home my iPhone screen fills with consation, it's super annoying because I can't see what I'm doing for about 5-10 minutes until it clears.

How can I stop it, or speed up it's clearing. Ta x

Added (1). I don't have a screen protector. And I tried putting it in my pocket before. But it has to go in external pockets (like my hoody) so I can access it easier. :/

IPhone 4 Won't Connect to Wi-Fi?

I just got new Wi-Fi set up and all the computers will connect besides my iPhone 4. I try entering it in "other" but it just says "failed." I've tried everything, turning it off, resetting network settings, turning off airplane mode and cellular, cold boot, and resetting the modem and stuff. My computer works just fine, it's just my phone! How do I make it connect without going all high tech here?

What are things to ask for Christmas if you're a teen girl?

Every year my family wants me to make a list for Christmas by Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I didn't give it much thought yet.
The list is for my extended family so not anything too expensive like an iPhone or a new camera.
I already have an iPod.
I can't ask for make up because they won't know anything about it
I play guitar, ukulele, piano, clarinet, and saxophone so anything music related.
I like photography but everything's a bit pricey.
I like shopping and anime.
Last year my Aunt got me Plants vs Zombies (which I asked for) so any cute game like that for xbox 360. I want minecraft but I don't have xbox live gold.
Basically anything at a decent price that wouldn't be too hard to find.