How to increase the volume on my iphone?

I really want some kind of way to increase the volume. This sound is just too low. Please help and thank you.

Added (1). I guess I didn't make it clear: I need a computer wiz to tell me how to enhance the volume on my iPhone beyond it's normal ability.

Why does apps on my iPhone keep crashing?

Hi when i turn of my jail broken iPhone and then turn it back on all the apps i downloaded from cydia crashes meaning that when i press an app it comes on the app then closes the app

IPhone 5 using 3g when locked?

I was viewing a webpage and did not press the home key before I locked my phone. Then a couple hours later when I went to check my phone, the webpage opened automatically. Was my phone connected to 3g that whole time? In other words, was it using up my data allowance while locked?

How to shut down an iPhone permanently?

Hi, I just got my iPhone stolen this afternoon and I would rather not have it that anyone uses it. I know they have shut it off, and I also know that they'll be able to use it, if they crack my code, because they'll still be able to surf around the need, access my photos, messages, notes etc. I know that it is properly not the case that they try to use my phone and succeed, but I would feel a lot more safe, if all the data on the iPhone was deleted. Is this possible in any way at all from a computer or anything? Maybe trough my Apple ID?
I do not have iCloud, so I'm unable to use any of those application or what so ever…
Please. I feel extremely violated.

I can't connect into my virgin mobile internet. What do I do?

I'm so frustrated. I have the lg rumor touch virgin mobile phone and it always worked, now all of the sudden when I try to surf the web it says error network connection failed. I tried calling virgin mobile and they restarted some stuff but it still doesn't work. She said she'd call me back in a few days but if not to call them. But I wanna get the virgin mobile iPhone soon and I don't even know if I can if I won't have internet on my phone

My iPhone (3GS) randomly started playing a song and turning voice control on today?

Today, when I was in second period at school, my iPhone randomly started playing a song from my library. In third period, while doing an assessment, voice control turned on.
At lunch, I turned my phone off and took it out of my back and put it in my inside blazer pocket.

It might be a new bag I started using today that caused the problem.

I really want to know how to stop this so I can stop worrying. (;