Can i use my SIM card on an iPhone 4s?

My recent phone broke it was a go phone from AT&T and i still have about 7 months left on my 2 year contract. I was wondering if i could take the sim card out and get it resized to a micro sim card and put it in an iPhone 4S from AT&T and use it as my phone with the same number / plan and stuff. Is that possible?

IPhone tethering doesn't work?

I'm not using jailbreak, I'm paying. And a few hours ago it worked, but then I got a notification on the iPhone that there was 20% battery remaining. But then it didn't work anymore. I connected it from my mac again and it showed the blue bar that it has 1 connection but in the mac it is left with that it is connecting, and then it says that either connection is timed out or it is just left that it is connecting with the 4 bars that it is first the first bar, then the second and like that and it stays like that. I can connect the iphone with usb but it is way too slow and i need a fast connection. Can someone please help me

How to take otterbox off of the iPhone 5?

I bought an iPhone 5 a few weeks ago, at the store where I bought it I purchased an outter box for it, it was installed that day by one of the workers. So now instead of this bulky case I want to change it for a new case I bought today, but I don't know how to take it off. Can someone help me? IMessage/email me if you want, cuz I don't know how to reply on

My iphone won't let me turn on Wi-Fi?

I have an iphone 4s and i can't turn on my Wi-Fi, when i go on the Wi-Fi tab it is just grey and i can't select it to turn it on. How do i fix this? Please help!

Added (1). I tried reseting the network but it still didn't work, please does anyone know how to fix this?

Has Anyone Ever Shopped At

I Saw Some Iphone 4s Selling For $36.00 And an Iphone 5 for $150, i heard that this website is a scam but i wanna Know the reviews of different people everywhere.

I'm Having Audio Problems With My iPhone 4S. Any Advice?

I've recently been having some trouble when it comes to using headphones on my iPhone 4S. I've been using a pair of Bose QuietComfort's, and for some reason, they have started only playing audio through one ear. I played around with them for a bit, and the problem remained. I tried a multitude of different ear bud sets, and I got the same problem. Has anyone else encountered the problem? And if so, how do I fix it? Any help would be great.

Cassette plays audio but spits out tape?

I use the tape player in my car with an adapter to my iphone to play music, but lately it just spits the tape out after about 5 seconds. This happens with the adapter as well as regular cassette tapes.
I put it in
It plays forward and audio works fine for a second
It tries to play in reverse, which works fine for a second
It ejects the tape.

What could possibly fix this?

Is 1GB of data enough for me for the iPhone 5?

I tend to download a lot of apps… And be on twitter a lot… I rarely go on youtube on a phone b/c i have my computer for that. So is 1GB enough for downloading lots of apps and going on twitter?

Added (1). Oh and instagram

How much do the free iPhone 4's cost?

As some of you may know, the Apple Store (online atleast) is selling iPhone 4's that cost $0, but have a 2-year contract. So my question is what is the total cost with the contract here?

Good photoshop/editing apps for iphone?

I've been looking for ways to edit photos on my iPhone. I can't find any really good apps that can let me do what I want to do. I want to put text on photos, and put a picture into another one if that makes sense. Does anyone know of any that are free or like 99 cents? Just your favorite editing app or one you've heard of. Please?