Iphone3GS vs IPhone4S vs Iphone5, which is better?

I have the 3GS, but I'm wanting to upgrade. I'm leaning more towards the 4S because of its size. My 3GS is already pretty big in my pocket (length wise). I don't want something even bigger. Plus the 5's different charger seems inconvenient. I can always use a friend's iPod charger if I forget my phone charger. I can't do that with the iPhone 5 though.

In your opinion, which one is better? I'm looking for one with the most convinient size (smaller in length), and the one with less problems. I'm leaning more towards the 4S

Netgear or Norton Firewall Blocking Sites?

About 2 days ago I was having no trouble logging into one of my deviantart accounts (I have 2) Since yesterday I couldn't log into them from home. Well, today I was at an internet cafe and was able to log into my account through my iphone. Now I'm wondering if either my netgear firewall of norton firewall is blocking access to my account. I can log onto the website fine, it's just the account that's the problem. If it is caused by netgear or norton how do I make it so I can log into my account again? Is there a way to unblock it?

Will I be satisfied with the Microsoft Surface RT?

I'm 17 years old and in highschool. I currently have a PIECE OF *** acer aspire netbook and I'm in desperate need of a new computer.luckily, Christmas is coming up.

I have been looking around, and I want to find a laptop that is below $600. I saw a commerical for Microsoft's new 'Surface' and I was intrigued. I want to get something for this Christmas, so the Surface PRO is not an option because it comes out in January. I heard (if anyone knows if it comes out soon/before Christmas--Please let me know.) I was looking at the Windows Surface RT 32GB and then also get the type cover additionally.

So my major questions are. Will an average user like myself be happy with this? Like does it have Microsoft office? Like could I write my english paper on it? Or, make a power point for my french class? Can it get itunes (I have an iPhone now, and I need something to put music on my phone. My netbook takes like 10 hours to put on one song) Like, this might sound materialistic, but what I want this for is to go on Facebook/Twitter/Internet/Office/Skype with friends/Itunes.(ITunes I COULD live without, as where I have a desktop downstairs. But it would be AWESOME if the Surface RT could get itunes.


Iphone 5 or Ipod Touch 5th gen? - 2

Ok so i'm being given a choice between the two. I'm already leaning more towards the ipod touch but if you guys have any complaints or real likes about either one, tell me what it is and why. Basically, i'm just looking for a mp3, more space for apps. I like Siri, i know both have it. Which has better camera quality, the ipod or iphone. I'm looking for either one to have good internet connection. Well wi-fi lol. I'm not in need of 3G… To sync music from itunes to the iphone, is it the same as using the ipod… Well which has a overall better performance. To you.

Someone wants to cancel an order on Amazon?

I'm selling my iphone 5 on amazon.
someone bought it and after 2-3 hours, he emailed me back wanting to get his money back cuz he "accidently" bought it.
i lied to him saying i can't change it cuz its already been shipped.
and i'm planning to sell it out to him, because i had my iphone up for like 2 weeks and its so frustrating and he made me happy and now he wants to cancel it…

even if i say no and send the item, does he have right to send a refund?

How to stop people from being mean to me?

My family is pretty well off with money.now, I'm not having shopping sprees at Chanel or Burberry, but I do have more than other kids my age. I try my best not to flaunt my wealth, I have a job and I buy myself things with the money I earned.unfortunately everyone, even my best friends, call me spoiled and rich and they are never happy for me. Like recently I traded in my iPhone 4S and got a iPhone 5, I paid the $100 difference with my own money, but I got so much *** for having a nice phone because "'mommy and daddy buy me everything" how can I make them stop? They also always try to force me to pay for them when we go out, and get annoyed when I say I'm just paying for myself cause "oh you're so rich it's not like it matters anyway"

How to fix the text message ringer on my iPhone 5?

Hi! My iPhone 5 is having problems ringing when I get a text message, it just vibrates and when I go to the settings and choose a ringer it doesn't ring no matter which one I choose? What is it and how can I fix it!

Can iPhone 5 be used as a Mobile Hotspot?

Currently I have a Droid 2. I find myself using my Mobile Hotspot feature a lot. My upgrade is coming soon. I'm stuck between getting a new droid and an iPhone and a deciding factor is the Mobile Hotspot feature. Can anyone shed a little light? I will almost exclusively be using this hotspot for my MacBook Pro.